Merk Yogurt Terbaik
Di balik rasanya yang sedikit asam, yogurt yang merupakan produk olahan
susu menyimpan banyak manfaat untuk kesehatan. Pada awal kemunculannya,
yougrt adal...
New Frequency Device: Fremedica Wave 1
Keep reading to learn more about my new favorite frequency device, the
Fremedica Wave 1! (Visit Manufacturer Website) Many of you know that I’m
the “rife ...
Detoxing and science and doctors
I talked to a patient today who is mad. Mad at doctors who are
unprofessional, disrespectful and who disparage other doctors. This is what
I recommend. Ca...
Breast Cancer Survivor - Cheryl's Envita Review
Breast Cancer Survivor - Cheryl's Envita Review
Cheryl's life changed the day she found a painful lump in her breast. Her
journey to finding treatment is...
False and Misleading Information About Lyme Disease
American Journal of Medicine (2017). Commentary on the diagnosis and
treatment of Lyme disease, from three authors who have contributed to the
literature o...
Prof Marc Henry at UNESCO
Prof Marc Henry at UNESCO
On 8 October, 2014, UNESCO's Social and Human Sciences Sector, in
collaboration with Luc Montagnier, held a symposium in Paris ...
The Lyme disease spirochete lives without thiamine
Thiamine, or vitamin B1, is vital for the survival of all living things.
One of the biologically functional forms of thiamine, thiamine
pyrophosphate (TPP...
Prof. Trevor Marshall on Sarcoidosis
Prof. Trevor Marshall on Sarcoidosis
Prof Trevor Marshall speaking at the 1st Congress of the National TB
Association, St. Petersburg, Russia, on 16 Octo...
Persistence of the Organism is Well-Accepted
From Steven Barthold, professor in the Department of Pathology, UC-Davis,
and published researcher in veterinary science:
We've been working with looking ...
Boxee NYC-TV Tuned to Your Life!
Boxee NYC-TV Tuned to Your Life!
Debut company experience for Boxee Inc.- a NYC-based home electronics
company, makers of the Boxee Box- a revolutionary ...
Elsie's Gumbo
I spent my last year of high school in southeastern Louisiana. This area
is an amazing microcosm unlike any other part of our nation. It's an
island of c...
Is Lymes disease Genetic?
Did you know that you could avoid Lyme disease by taking some simple
measures? Check it out! Scientists are discussing the issue of whether Lyme
disease is...
Happy Solstice
We put up our tree on Sunday. The sun seems to have taken the hint and is
returning on schedule.
Sorry I haven't been around lately. I just completed the ...
Alzheimer's Disease Photo Essay
Alzheimer's Disease Photo Essay
Two minute slideshow of people living in an Alzheimer's facility in Orange
County. This project was done for the 2005 OCC...
I am involved in fighting LYME DISEASE & other tick-borne co-infections.
I am a 35 y/o Australian, no o/s travel prior to illness.
Tick bite gave me a bulls-eye rash, arthritis, & a cascade of seemingly unrelated symptoms.
Over a decade misdiagnosed and unaware of Lyme Disease epidemic in Australia which is currently denied by the Governments and their agencies, resulting in poor access to inaccurate tests, while simultaneously demanding patient data to change policy to fund treatment for sufferers, yet denying positive tests from international blood labs.
I hope that others gain awareness from my experiences.
After a year on appropriate Chronic Lyme treatment in 2010 I got my life back and was in remission on maintainance treatment working f/t. In 2013/14 doctors targeted, treatments stopped, my health crashed over and over, numerous admissions were near death. Scary trendline...
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