presented July 2010 in DePere, WISCONSIN
Lyme disease is the illness that results from the bite of an infected deer tick
• Fastest growing vector-borne infectious disease in the USA
• CDC estimates are over 200,000 new cases per year!
• In the USA, rate of new cases exceeds that of HIV/AIDS
• Anyone can get it- affects all ages, both genders, and even our pets
• Lyme has been reported in all 50 states
• Present worldwide- every continent except Antarctica
• In many areas, lawns have higher tick concentrations than the surrounding woods
• Ticks can survive down to 17 degrees below zero! (may still get tick bites in wintertime)
• Most people are bitten during usual daily activities
• Tick bite is painless
• Tick is so tiny, it can be missed
• Only 16% recall a tick bite
• “Classic” rash (Erythema Migrans) occurs in only 1/3 to ½ of cases
• Subtle onset of nonspecific “viral-like” symptoms often obscure the diagnosis
• Blood test may miss up to ½ of cases!!!
• Spinal fluid serology positive in only 9%!!! (91% false negative rate!!!!)
• A new strain of Lyme Borrelia called SCW-30h has been found in the USA, in all areas.
• Another new one, B. americana has been found in the South from Texas to the Atlantic
• These are being investigated to find out if they can make you ill, and if so, how best to treat it.
• ?atypical Lyme; seronegative Lyme
• Ticks may carry DOZENS of potential pathogens- NATURE’S DIRTY NEEDLE!
• One tick bite can result in simultaneous co-infections by different germs
– Spirochetes (Lyme)
– Parasites (Babesia)
– Bacteria (Ehrlichia, Anaplasma)
– Mycoplasmas (Gulf-War and Chronic Fatigue germs)
– Viruses (T.B.E., West Nile Virus)
– Worms (nematodes)?
XMRV- A New Retrovirus- Is This Another Co-Infection?
• Xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV) was first isolated from prostate cancer patients
• Dr. Judy Mikovits looked for XMRV in CFIDS patients. She found it in only 3.7% of healthy controls but 95% of CFIDS cases were antibody positive and 68% were PCR-positive. Overall, 98% tested positive!
• Recently, the FDA has independently confirmed this study
• She and collaborating clinicians also found XMRV in Lyme, fibromyalgia, atypical MS and autism
• This is a retrovirus (as is HIV) and theoretically can cause or add to many symptoms and immune defects as seen in these illnesses, as well as in Lyme
• Three avenues of treatment are being studied:
– Anti-retroviral agents, as used in HIV
– Artesunate
– Antiviral herbs
– Early Lyme, if promptly recognized and appropriately treated, can be cured
– Untreated Lyme may progress, causing a very severe illness and disability
– Can be latent for months to years, and later result in catastrophic, permanent damage
– Deaths have been reported
• Most symptoms are non-specific
• Mild symptoms often are dismissed
• Many medical errors due to lack of diagnosis
• More medical errors from incorrect diagnoses and unnecessary or dangerous treatments
– Fibromyalgia, ME/CFS, depression, multiple sclerosis, ALS (Lou Gherig’s Disease), malingering, Munchausen
• Often, patients see literally dozens of doctors and undergo an encyclopedia of tests, Lyme is missed, and they still have no diagnosis
• When medical doctors cannot find a cause for the complaints, they refer patients to a psychiatrist (blame the patient for his/her illness!)
• Can be transmitted from mother to child
• “Classic” Lyme (my definition) includes:
– Early localized
– Early disseminated
– Late disseminated
• Chronic Lyme Disease
– Illness present for one year or longer
– Is a totally different disease!
– May not be curable!
DIAGNOSING LYME A difficult task!
• Headaches, photophobia, stiff neck
• Fatigue, intolerance of exercise
• Aches in and around joints
• Numbness, tingles, sense of vibration
• Poor coordination, imbalance, light-headed, need to sit or lie down, especially in afternoon
• Forgetful, confused, speech errors, ADD-like
• Sleep disturbance
• Neuropsychiatric- anxiety, panic attacks, depression, rage attacks, antisocial behavior
• Intolerance of stress, alcohol, sleep deprivation (any of these will make all symptoms worse)
• LYME (Borrelia burgdorferi)
– Serologic tests (ELISA, Western Blot)
– Sensitivity is poor: Commercial labs: 50% Private reference labs (Igenex): 70%
– PCR- also poorly sensitive- <30% • Even a spinal tap serology will miss over 90% of cases! • CO-INFECTIONS – Situation is worse- pick up 30% at best!!!! • Conclusion: LYME IS A CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS ERYTHEMA MIGRANS- TYPICAL “BULLSEYE” RASH • Expands over time, Painless, Raised, May be warm RINGWORM – Scaly center – Not raised or warm SPIDER BITE – Painful! – Necrotic center MAKING A CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: THE POINT SYSTEM • Tick exposure in an endemic region 1 • History consistent with Lyme 2 • Systemic signs & symptoms consistent with Bb infection (other potential diagnoses excluded): • Single system, e.g., monoarthritis 1 • Two or more systems 2 • Erythema migrans, physician confirmed 7 • ACA, biopsy confirmed 7 • Seropositivity 3 • Seroconversion on paired sera 4 • Tissue microscopy, silver stain 3 • Tissue microscopy, monoclonal IFA 4 • Culture positivity 4 • B. burgdorferi antigen recovery 4 • B. burgdorferi DNA/RNA recovery 4 INTERPRETATION DIAGNOSIS • Lyme Borreliosis Highly Likely: 7 or above • Lyme Borreliosis Possible: 5-6 • Lyme Borreliosis Unlikely: 4 or below CD-57 COUNT (Natural Killer Cells) • Low counts seen in Chronic Lyme when the infection has been active > 1 year
• Reflects degree of infection
• Predicts a relapse if low when antibiotics end
• Must use method of LabCorp (normal is >180)
– <20- severe illness – 20-60- most common result in chronic patients – >60- Lyme activity minimal
– >120- Relapse NOT likely after treatment ends
• Rapid diagnosis is critical- fully curable at this stage if treated properly
– Start treatment as soon as possible
– If a rash is present, start treatment immediately!
• Do not wait for blood tests- Tests may take weeks to become positive or may NEVER get a positive test!
– If no rash, but high suspicion, treat, observe clinically, and retest serially
Oral antibiotic for 4 to 6 weeks
• Shorter courses associated with a linear rate of treatment failures
• Be sure to use full doses!
– Lyme has already spread to other areas
– Already in the central nervous system
– Inadequate treatment may worsen later illness (“survival of the fittest”)
• By definition, present for more than six weeks, but less than one year
• Initial non-specific symptoms gradually change to involve multiple discrete organ systems:
– Joints (pain, stiffness, subtle swelling)
– Peripheral nerves (numbness, tingles, weakness, vibration)
– Central nervous system (“brain fog”, impaired short-term memory, confusion, mood disorders)
– Original, general symptoms may persist (headache, fatigue, sweats, etc.)
• Specific patterns develop:
– Monthly cycle of waxing and waning illness
– Symptoms affecting major organ systems “migrate”- move around
• Start with orals if possible
• If very ill, pregnant, or cannot tolerate oral antibiotics, then may need IV therapy for 6 to 12 weeks, followed by oral therapy if the infection is still active
• May need combination therapy (co-administration of two or more dissimilar antibiotics)
• Duration of treatment often mirrors duration of illness- treat for 6 weeks to 6+ months
• Must be free of signs of active infection before treatment ends
• Is the start of clinically significant immune breakdown
– Decreased function and numbers of all three arms of immunity: B, T and NK cells
– Elevated cytokine levels cause many of the symptoms, and further impair the immune response
– Because most Lyme tests are serologies, which measure immune response to B.burgdorferi, a weakened immune system may result in more false negative tests
• PARADOX: The sicker patient is more likely to have a negative (non-reactive) Lyme serology!
CLINICAL FEATURES Very complex disease:
• Difficult to diagnose
• Broad spectrum of illness, from subclinical to severely debilitating, and rarely, can be fatal
• Extremely difficult to treat the infections
• Extremely difficult to manage totality of complaints
• May not be curable in some- why is a chronic illness
• Primary symptoms of Chronic Lyme are NEUROLOGICAL (nearly every patient)
– Encephalopathy and encephalitis, Peripheral and autonomic neuropathy, Demyelination- central and peripheral
• Inflammatory arthritis in only 5%
• Myositis (muscle inflammation) rare, and Carditis (heart inflammation) also rare
• Immune suppression allows co-infections to flourish, and opportunistic infections (yeast, etc) become more of a problem
• Immune “Dysregulation”: Immune activation & Immune suppression
• Neurotoxins, Hormonal disturbances, Damage to organs, tissues, cells and DNA
• Nutritional disturbances, Metabolic effects
• Antibiotics, usually in combinations
– Antibiotic synergism, cover all infected tissues, cover alternate forms of Bb, and co-infections
• Nearly every chronic Lyme patient is a candidate for IV antibiotics
• Supportive treatments
– Vitamins, probiotics, exercise, low carb diet, no alcohol, enforced rest
• If neurologic symptoms do not clear, there is the option to treat with IVIG
• Abnormal spinal fluid (↑WBC, ↑Protein)
• Synovitis with high ESR
• Illness for more than one year
• Age over 60
• Acute disseminated illness in first trimester
• Acute carditis
• Documented immune deficiency
• Prior use of steroids or other immunosuppressants
• Failure or intolerance of oral therapy
• Restrictive guidelines by Infectious Disease Society of America (IDSA)
– Maximum is one month; rarely will repeat
– No allowance for physician’s clinical judgment or degree of illness of the patient
– No consideration of co-infections
– Under investigation by the Connecticut Attorney General!
• More realistic guidelines by International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society (ILADS)
– Treatment is individualized, based on patient need and response, and may have to be given for months to years
CHRONIC LYME- Treatment Issues
• In chronic Lyme Disease, active infection may persist despite prior antibiotic therapy
• Relapses do occur and retreatment is often needed
• Repeated or prolonged antibiotic therapy usually is necessary
• High doses of antibiotics are needed, and blood levels should be confirmed wherever possible
• Antibiotic combinations usually are necessary
• Check for co-infections and immune status, and treat appropriately
• May need to rotate through different regimens based on response
• If the CD-57 count is not normal at the end of treatment, then continued illness or a relapse is likely
• May not cure the infection, and may need repeated or open-ended maintenance therapy
• Signs of persistence of infection:
– continued fevers, synovitis
– four week cycles, migrating symptoms
– PCR positivity and low CD-57 counts
• As symptoms wind down, I DO NOT cut the dose, for resistance may develop
• Aggressive supportive therapy is required- and search for any other possible cause of a weakened host:
– Toxin exposure, heavy metal poisoning, malnutrition, endocrine dysfunction, other illnesses, severe or ongoing stress
• Progressively increase exercise program as the symptoms of Lyme decrease
– Exercise is vital and required, or a full recovery will not occur
– Not exercising will increase risk of a relapse
Nearly universal in chronic Lyme
• Symptoms more vague, and overlap
• Diagnostic tests LESS reliable
• Co-infected patients are more ill and more difficult to treat
• Lyme treatments do not treat Babesia, Bartonella or viruses
• One reason for “treatment-resistant” Lyme
• Bartonella, Babesia, Anaplasma, Ehrlichia, Mycoplasma, Viruses, Nematodes?
• ?Others
• More prevalent in NJ ticks than even Borrelia!
• Clinically, seems to be a different species than “cat scratch disease” (?Tularemia)
• Persistent CNS symptoms despite Lyme Rx
• CNS symptoms out of proportion to physical
– Irritability, anxiety, insomnia, seizures, rage attacks, encephalopathy-encephalitis, psychiatric syndromes,
– Also gastritis, rashes, tender skin nodules, sore soles, AM fevers, light night sweats
• CSD serologies and PCR tests are insensitive!
– Miss up to 80% of clinically defined cases
• Bartonella FISH soon to be available
• Levofloxacin (Levaquin) is drug of choice- 500 mg daily, and consider adding a proton pump inhibitor
• Cell wall drugs suppress but do not kill BLO, but may synergize with fluoroquinolone
• Rifampin and metronidazole may be alternatives
• Erythromycins alone totally ineffective, and may inhibit concurrent fluoroquinolone. However, may work if given with rifampin
• Response to doxycycline alone variable but usually poor- may be combined with rifampin
• Combination of rifampin + Bactrim has had some success
• Treat for 1 to 3+ months if tolerated
PIROPLASMS (Babesia species)
• Many different species found in ticks (13+). Can test for only B.microti and B.duncani
• B. duncani more difficult to treat than B. microti
• Diagnostic tests insensitive
• Chronic persistent infection documented
• Infection is immunosuppressive
• Renders Lyme more severe and more difficult to treat, with worse symptoms and more organ damage
• Acute-
– Abrupt onset of symptoms; no rash
– Spectrum of mild to severe presentations
– Can be fatal!
• Chronic-
– Symptoms blend with those of Lyme and diagnosis often missed
• Standard smears useful only for acute infections !
– Smears universally negative after two weeks
• Enhanced smears-
– Buffy coat
– Prolonged scanning, with digital photography
• Fluorescent in-situ hybridization assay
– Fluorescent-linked RNA probe
– Increases sensitivity 100-fold over conventional Giemsa-stained smears
• PCR and serology
• All methods are of low yield, but may not overlap! Therefore, recommend use all available tests
• Acute onset of symptoms
– Sweats, high fever, chills, headache, dark urine, acute hemolytic anemia, severe illness
• Blood smear usually reliable
• Serologic tests may convert within one week, but not always reliable
• Rule out other acute infections
• Acute onset of initial illness
• Incomplete response to Lyme treatments
• **Symptoms more severe than expected with Lyme alone**
• Also:
– Marked night sweats which may cycle every several days
– Air hunger, cough
– Severe persistent headaches
– Unrelenting fatigue
– Off balance- “tippy”, not vertigo
• ANY positive test in proper clinical setting
• Is a parasite, so is treated differently than Lyme, but can be treated concurrently while on Lyme medications
• Mepron (atovaquone) 5+ cc bid, plus azithromycin 600 mg daily for 4 to 6 months minimum, but higher doses may be needed, especially with B. duncani
• Oral clindamycin + quinine rarely used as first line
• Malarone (atovaquone + proguanil), 6+ tabs daily
• Added sulfur (Bactrim DS), 2 to 4 daily
• Added metronidazole (Flagyl), 750 to 1500 mg/d
• Always add artemesia or artemesenin but must be given in cycles- 2-3 weeks on, and 1-2 weeks off
• No Co-Q 10
• In extremely difficult cases, IV clindamycin may be helpful
• Less common than the other tick-borne infections
• Acute and chronic forms
• Acute- rarely, causes a spotted rash
– Abrupt onset, high fever, muscle pain, headache, low WBC count, elevated liver enzymes
• Chronic-
– Headaches and muscle soreness
– Persistent leucopenia
– Test with serology, PCR or smear
• Treat with doxycycline for 2 to 4 weeks
• Fluoroquinolones and rifampin MAY be (poor) alternatives
• “Chronic fatigue” germ
• Not clear its origin or source
• More often seen in the immunosuppressed
• Test with serial PCRs (still insensitive)
• Treat with doxycycline and/or a fluoroquinolone, and add hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil)
• Erythromycins & rifampin, with added hydroxychloroquine OK but less effective
• Treat for three years?
• Restoring better immune function is probably the best approach
Especially in the chronic Lyme and immunosuppressed patients
• Viruses: TBE, West Nile, HHV-6, CMV, other herpes, bornavirus
• Chlamydia, Yeasts, Q-fever?, XMRV?, Others?
– Multisystem, 4-week cycles, afternoon fevers, no sweats, gradual onset of illness
– CNS out of proportion to skeletal
– CNS irritability, GI, Sore soles, sub Q nodules, AM fevers, light sweats, gradual onset of illness
– Sweats, fatigue, global headaches, air hunger, cough, hypercoaguable, cycles every few days, rapid onset, very severe Lyme symptoms
– Headaches (knife-like), muscles, low WBC, elevated liver function tests, rapid onset
– Fatigue, poor exercise tolerance, slow or minimal response to antibiotics, lots of neuropathy
More Than Antibiotics!
• Enforced rest, No caffeine, No alcohol, No smoking at all, Low carb, high quality protein diet
• Daily vitamins and other nutritional support, Maintain hydration, Exercise program, Never any steroids!
• If the test does not show it, it does not exist
• If organized medicine did not discover it, it does not exist
• New illnesses become real only after years or decades of clinical trials
• But– will not perform clinical trials on something that does not exist!
• EDUCATION: Become your own advocate
• AWARENESS: Keep up with not only the latest medical news, but also the political developments
• ADVOCACY: “We will not go away”; Support those who support you

AnonymousMarch 22, 2011 6:14 PM
ReplyDelete"Even a spinal tap serology will miss over 90% of cases!"
I am very interested in this comment. Are there any journal references to this figure? Or any references to studying spinal taps in Lyme disease?
I am trying to draft an insurance company appeal.
LYME GREEN AUSTRALIAMarch 23, 2011 12:46 AM
I am quoting a release from "JOSEPH T. BURRASCANO, JR, MD"
I don't know if they are his own findings from prior publishings possibly or if he is referring to other statistics or authors. Maybe try to find out more though the ILADS website? He wrote or edited much of the guidelines as I recall.
I am very happy today to share this amazing testimony on how Dr. Molemen the herbal doctor was able to cure me from my Herpes Virus with his herbal medicine. I have been a herpes patient for almost 8 months now and have tried different methods of treatment to ensure that I am cured of this terrible disease, but none worked for me, so I had to leave everything to God to handle as I was a Christian who had faith that one day God would intervene in my life, yet I felt so sad and desperate as I was losing almost everything due to my illness, A few months ago while I was surfing the internet I saw different recommendation about Dr Molemen on how he have been using his herbal Medicine to treat and cure people, these people advice we contact Dr. Molemen for any problem that would help immediately, I contacted Dr Molemen and I told him how I got his contact and also about my disease, after some time Dr. Molemen told me to have faith that he would prepare for me a medication of herbal herbs, he told me I would take this medicine for a few weeks and also asked my home for home address so as possible for him to submit the drug for me, so my good friends after all the process and everything Dr Molemen actually sent me the medicine, I took it as I was directed by Dr. Molemen, after a few weeks passed, while on Dr.Molemen medication I began to experience changes in my body, I had to call my doctor at the hospital for some blood test after test my hospital doctor told me that I was no longer with the herpes virus and my blood is pretty good, I can not even believe this, Friends well today i am Herpes Free and i want everyone to know that there is a cure for herpes for those who will contact Dr Molemen after reading my testimony, you can kindly contact Dr. Molemen in ( or ( or call him +2347036013351, God bless you all ...
DeleteI've had HEPATITIS B problem over 4 years. I tried everything, of course I went to the doctor. about a hundred times, and though about my Family, I know my Family will face a serious problem when I’m gone, I lost hope and I wept all day, but one day I was surfing the internet I found Dr.Suku contact number. I called him and he guided me. I asked him for solutions and he started the remedies for my health. Thank God, now everything is fine, I’m cured by Dr. Suku herbal medicine, I’m very thankful to Dr. Suku and very happy with my hubby and family.his email or contact his hot line:+2348074839242 so any type of disease HIV/AIDS,CANCER, ALS, Hepatitis C, PCV.. HERPES,through his via email;
Deletename is Helen Greg from U.S.A. My heart is filled with so much joy
as I write this testimony. I want to tell the world about a great man
called Dr. Odinaka who cured my husband and I of HIV/AIDS with herbal
medicine. My husband and I have be hiv/aids positive for the past four
(4) years. We have tried so many solutions and my husband even fall into
the hands of scam. One fateful day while browsing the internet I saw a
testimony by one mr. Elizabeth on how this great Dr. Odinaka cured his seven
(7) years hiv/aids through herbal medicine so I decided to give a try, a
try that changed our life for good. So I contacted this great man and
he send some herbal medicine for me and my husband which we took within
five (7) days. It was a great surprise when we went for test the
following day and it came out negative. God will bless you Dr. odinaka,
you will leave long. Because of the joy you brought into my family
again. You can also contact him on his email. You can also call him on phone: +2348147673395
I am so grateful to Dr Osuma for curing me off my Herpes virus 1. I was diagnosed with Herpes virus 1 in 2014 and i was was dying slowly every day and gradually losing hope of life by the day, I had took a lot of drugs to cure it but all to no help my doctor gave up on me and i was dying. I did not loose hope, i sought the Internet and i read a lot of testimonies about Dr Osuma and his herbs i took a bold step and made contact with him via email: and he prepared and delivered my medical Herbs i started treatment in MID 2015 and i had a test on the herpes and i was Cured totally within 3 weeks of using the meds i am so ecstatic at this moment. i am so grateful to you Dr Osuma you can contact him on email or Cell Phone: +27603722807 were i purchased from. He will also help you cure all other disease like CANCER, DIABETES HPV ETC And God Bless You Dr Osuma.
During the past years i was diagnosed with ALS disease which has broke me down even affected me financially because i almost spent all my savings,i really thought i wont get rid of it not until i saw post celebrating how his mom was free from als disease ,i was really surprised because i have search all angle yet nothing happened,this disease weak me to the extent i was having difficulty speaking,difficulty raising my foot so i decided to contact the email i saw which was totalcureherbalfoundation @ gmail . com and they gave me all the instruction tho i actually purchased the herbal medicine from the clinic,i used it just the way i was told and right now am fully free from ALS disease just as my Dr said and i no longer experiencing the symptoms anymore. https:/ /totalcure herbalf ou.wixsite .com/website you shall testify peronally to everyone because the herbs are %100.
DeleteAm really grateful and thankful for what Dr. Ozman has done for me and my family. i have be suffering from HERPES for good three years with no solution, the diseases almost took my life and because I was unable to work and I was also loosing lots of money for medication, but one faithful day when I went online, I met lots of testimonies about this great man so I decided to give it a try and to God be the glory he did it. If you need his help or you also want to get cured just the way I got mine, just email him : or Whatsapp ;+2349061515609 or as well call +2349061515609 and get your healing. He has cure for other deadly diseases like Herpes, Hiv, Hepatitis,ALS
Deletehello everyone in this forum i am a bit ashamed to share this story about a great DOCTOR called DR HARRY who helped me enlarge my small penis size through his herbal mixture cream,i was heartbroken before because i have a very small penis about 3.5 inches which was so annoying and shameful i could not satisfy my wife in bed ,,my marriage was really breaking and i needed help urgently,i have used pills,vaccines,drugs,surgery but none one faithful day as i was browsing through the internet i saw few comments on a forum about DR HARRY and how He helped Mr MARK from UK to enlarge his penis and also cured his MOM diabetes type 2 disease,,i contacted him through his email he replied and gave me steps to follow and i did just as he said ,and he sent me the herbal cream to me through UPS and i received it within 4 days and i used the herbal cream for just 14 days to my greatest surprise my penis that was 3.5 inches before enlarge to 10 inches long when fully erected ,for just two weeks of using his herbal mixture cream ,,wow my wife loved me more and was so happy that i can satisfy her very well now in bed ,,i even last longer than 2hours in bed. thank you so much DR HARRY for making life a better one to live in if you are out there having similar problems please contact him now on his email
website or whatsapp and call him on +2349036417079 thanks
I Never believed i was ever going to be HSV FREE again, DR.Ehiaguna has given me reasons to be happy, i was HSV positive for 2 years and all the means and medicine i tried for treatment was not helpful to me, but when i came on the Internet i saw great testimony about DR.Ehiaguna on how he was able to cure someone from HSV 2, this person said great things about this man, and advice we contact him for any Disease problem that DR.Ehiaguna can be of help, well i decided to give him a try, he requested for my information which i sent to him, and he told me he was going to prepare for me a healing portion, which he wanted me to take for days, and after which i should go back to the hospital for check up, well after taking all the treatment sent to me by DR.Ehiahuna , i went back to the Hospital for check up, and now i have been confirmed HSV NEGATIVE, friends you can reach DR.Ehiaguna on any treatment of any Disease cos i saw many testimony of different disease like, HEPATITIS,HIV AIDS,EPILEPSY, CANCER,CFS he is the one only one i can show you all up to, reach him on or whatsApp him now +2348073908953. quick contact him for help and you can just quickly drop your number on your first mail as i did for easily conversation
ReplyDeleteHello Everyone, my names is Smith Brandy, i am from Florida USA. I want to share
my testimonies to the general public on how this great man called Dr Agbaka who
cure my herpes. I have been a HERPES patient for over 9 Months and i have
been in pains until i came across this lady when i traveled to Africa for
Business trip who happen to once been a herpes patient, i explained every
thing to her and she told me that there is this great herbal doctor that help her to
cure her herpes and she gave me his email address for me to contact and i did
as she instructed. The man Dr Agbaka told me how much to buy the
herpes herbal medication and how i will get it, which i did. And to my
greatest surprise that i took the Herpes herbal medicine for just two week as he
instructed and behold i went for a herpes test, to my greatest surprise for the
doctor confirmed me to be herpes free and said that i no longer have
herpes in my system and till now i have never felt any pains nor herpes again, so i
said i must testify the goodness of this man to the general public. So if
you are there surfing from this Herpes problems or any deadly disease or
other disease for i will advice you to contact him on his working
email: and i assure you that he will help
you just as he did for me him on his email:
I am susan Green by name, I really want to thank God for using Dr.Ogugu
ReplyDeleteto cure my herpes,I was passing through serious pain when my friend came
to tell me about a man called Dr. Ogugu,she told me that the man has cure
many people from their disease,that i should contact the
man which i do,so after contacting him,he gave me an herbal medication
to use to cure my disease,now I'm healed, I am so grateful to him, i was suffering from
HIV seizures and kidney failure when i contacted Dr Ogugu, when i contacted him,
he assured me that he will cure me with his herbal
medicine which he really did, and i am now completely cured from HIV
seizures and kidney failure. What will i say rather than thanking him for
saving me.Anyone that feel like contacting him you email him with this email
Why suffering in silence when there is remedy to your diseases.Dr. Ogugu
specialize in curing the following disease:*HERPES
*HIV/Aids*Kidney failure*Arthritis*Diabetes*Hypertension*Stroke*Obesity
*Infertility/Impotency*Cancer*Eye Problem*Skin Problem*Fibroid Tumor
I am very happy today to share this amazing testimony on how Dr Adesuwa the herbal doctor was able to cure me from my Herpes Virus with his herbal medicine. I have been a herpes patient for almost 8 months now and have tried different methods of treatment to ensure that I am cured of this terrible disease, but none worked for me, so I had to leave everything to God to handle as I was a Christian who had faith that one day God would intervene in my life, yet I felt so sad and desperate as I was losing almost everything due to my illness, A few months ago while I was surfing the internet I saw different recommendation about Dr Adesuwa, I was diagnose of Cancer and afflicted with stroke for over 4years now,and ever since it has not been an easy life for me,my friends and family relatives has gone on different research but nothing to present as a cure for me.,I was frustrated for many years until one day I saw a testimony on how Dr Adesuwa has helped to cure somebody of HIV, I said to myself, mine is not different,I had to give it a trial by contacting him through his email ( who cast a spell for me and also gave me some herbs remedy, he told me not to doubt his work,and within 2 days time that i was going to see changes in my health, well friends today as i am sharing with you my testimony i am healed my stroke is gone and i am living healthy again… friends if you are sick of any disease at all just email Dr on (
ReplyDelete) or call him on +2347054396436, he can be of help to you on any problem..
Sir may God Bless You.
Herpes wanted to destroy me, but with the help of Dr.Ekpiku i escaped the death that was on my way, i am here to testifies on how Dr Ekpiku help me to cure my sickness called Herpes which has been eating me up for 2 years and 4 months, i also saw online how he has cured so many people, Dr Ekpiku is a great herbalist that treats and cure all manner of diseases like Herpes, HIV, Cancer, Syphilis, Hepatitis B, all types of Cancer, Gonorrhea, and solves life's problems that you might have etc.. contact him today and he will help you solved your problem, contact him via or call +2348073673757 OR whatsapp him. THESE ARE THE THINGS Dr. Ekpiku. HERPES. HIV/AIDS. CANCER.
ReplyDeleteAm Frank Albert, Herpes wanted to destroy me, but with the help of Dr.Ehi i escaped the death that was on my way, i am here to testifies on how Dr Ehi help me to cure my sickness called Herpes which has been eating me up for 2 years and 4 months, i also saw online how he has cured so many people, Dr Ehi is a great herbalist that treats and cure all manner of diseases like Herpes, HIV, Cancer, Syphilis, Hepatitis B, all types of Cancer, Gonorrhea, and solves life's problems that you might have etc.. contact him today and he will help you solved your problem, contact him via or call +2348071635034 . THESE ARE THE THINGS Dr. Ehi. HERPES. HIV/AIDS. CANCER.
ReplyDeleteHello everybody i want to testify about this great man called DR, EHI, Herpes wanted to destroy me, but with the help of Dr.Ehi i escaped the death that was on my way, i am here to testifies on how Dr Ehi help me to cure my sickness called Herpes which has been eating me up for 2 years and 4 months, i also saw online how he has cured so many people, Dr Ehi is a great herbalist that treats and cure all manner of diseases like Herpes, HIV, Cancer, Syphilis, Hepatitis B, all types of Cancer, Gonorrhea, and solves life's problems that you might have etc.. contact him today and he will help you solved your problem, contact him via or call +2348071635034 . THESE ARE THE THINGS Dr. Ehi. HERPES. HIV/AIDS. CANCER.
ReplyDeleteMy Names are Mrs Faith Daniels,,My testimony goes like this I have been been married for six years without a child, I have visited several hospitals and I was told i can't not conceive because i was having fibroid,,I have been treated and even undergoes cloistral operation but still couldn't conceive until One day i came across Dr sambo via his email and i contacted him and told him about my predicament and he said to me that it is finish... I key to his word and i followed him up he prepared me some herbs and send it to my state..I started using the herbs following his prescriptions,,as i was taking the herbs i started noticing some changes in my body,,to cut everything short i missed my period and today i have a set of twins..I can't just keep it to my self i decided to post it here online for everyone to see the work God has done in my life true his son Dr sambo.. God bless Dr sambo and more grace to his work..
DeleteDr. Sambo E-MAIL: or
Dr. Sambo Whats,App.+2348145810121
Indeed, he is a great and a lovely man, God bless him for uniting my family.
I can’t believe that my GENITAL HERPES is really cured. Oh is by this time last year I start feeling bad about my life, I feel pain everyday of my life but am very happy now that am really cured I couldn’t have done this on my own. I was searching the internet about this sickness last months when I found about great Dr ALLI, the man that kept his words. I wrote Dr ALLI 's email about my problem, immediately I got a reply from him asking me to fill a form which I immediately did and send back to him, after some minutes he reply me that he have work on my cure that I need to provide some materials which can enable him to work on my cure which I did on the next day of it, after some hours he inform me that he has gotten the things needed for the preparation of the herbal medication that will cure my GENITAL HERPES VIRUS. After he finish preparing the medication, he send it to me and also gave me instructions on how i will be taking the medication. I did exactly as instructed and behold, after 4Weeks my GENITAL HERPES VIRUS got cured. I cant believe I was negative a big thanks to him, am very happy now with my family. you can also get your self cured too from this sickness by contacting him through his email: OR via his cell phone: +2348109756444. Sir I'm indeed grateful for the help
ReplyDeleteI've had HEPATITIS B problem over 4 years. I tried everything, of course I went to the doctor. about a hundred times, and though about my Family, I know my Family will face a serious problem when I’m gone, I lost hope and I wept all day, but one day I was surfing the internet I found Dr.Suku contact number. I called him and he guided me. I asked him for solutions and he started the remedies for my health. Thank God, now everything is fine, I’m cured by Dr. Suku herbal medicine, I’m very thankful to Dr. Suku and very happy with my hubby and family.his email or contact his hot line:+2348074839242 so any type of disease HIV/AIDS,CANCER, ALS, Hepatitis C, PCV.. HERPES,through his via email;
ReplyDeleteI've had HEPATITIS B problem over 4 years. I tried everything, of course I went to the doctor. about a hundred times, and though about my Family, I know my Family will face a serious problem when I’m gone, I lost hope and I wept all day, but one day I was surfing the internet I found Dr.Suku contact number. I called him and he guided me. I asked him for solutions and he started the remedies for my health. Thank God, now everything is fine, I’m cured by Dr. Suku herbal medicine, I’m very thankful to Dr. Suku and very happy with my hubby and family.his email or contact his hot line:+2348074839242 so any type of disease HIV/AIDS,CANCER, ALS, Hepatitis C, PCV.. HERPES,through his via email;
ReplyDeleteDr. OFURE God will continue to bless you more abundantly, for the good works you are doing in peoples life, I will keep on testifying about your good work, I was healed from HERPES VIRUS through the help of Dr OFURE. I saw a blog on how Dr OFURE known as 'LORD SPIRITUAL' cured people with his herbal treatment, i did not believe but i just decided to give him a try, I contacted him and he prepare the herbs for me which i took, after taking it, he told me to go for check up, could you believe that i was confirm herpes negative after the test, and i went to a different hospital and it was also negative, i am so happy. If you have any problem or you are also infected with any disease, kindly contact him now with his Email: or call +2348109756444
ReplyDeleteI'm really happy that i and my boyfriend are cured of (HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS) with the herbal medicine of DR,UGUEL, i have been suffering from this disease for the past 3 years without solution until i came across the email of this doctors who have cure so many people with his herbal medicine, i also choose to give him a chance to help me and my boyfriend, he told me what to do and i kindly did it, and he gave us his herbal medicine and direct me on how to use it, i also follows his instruction for use and he ask us to go for a check up after 3 weeks and which we did, to my greatest surprise our result came out as negative, we are really happy that there is someone like this DR who is ready to help anytime any day. to all the readers and viewers that is doubting this testimony stop doubting it and contact this Dr and see if he will not actually help you. i am not a stupid woman that i will come out to the public and start saying what someone have not done for me. he is really a great man contact him now. with this email: and you can also called him on +2347056683626 he is waiting for your calls.+2347056683626 email:
ReplyDeleteGood morning everyone, my name is Luis Morgan from USA, I have been suffering from Hiv/Aids for over 4 years now, and suddenly, i have spent all my money disease, firstly i taught it was a joke until i contacted him ” on this email‘’ ” and he said that if i am ready for this work, i told him yes, and he collected my details and told me that after he has finished consulting his oracle he will run back to me on when to go for a medical check up, i was surprise. And truly last week monday Dr olori called me to quickly go for a medical checkup, which I did, only to find out that I was not with any HIV disease anymore, my friends and families who left me before run back to me. I now found out that God in Heaven is using this man to bless and heal us all, he is a great and powerful man, again I say to you sir, that God almighty will uplift you and your great work you did for I and other people. Pls i will sincerely advice all HIV patient to contact this great powerful man called Dr olori for your solutions now at he will help you on your HIV problems… you can still call him on +2349053311935
ReplyDeleteHello viewers...i was diagnosed of herpes since i was given berth to,i have be living with this deadly disease for the past years now,all my efforts to be cured was in vain,until i met my old friend who told me of a herbalist that cure herpes, so i contacted the herbal doctor and i told him about my disease and then he assured me not to worry that after two weeks i must be cured,just as he said hopefully i was indeed cured,and now i am totally healed of herpes simplex virus and i am very happy,all thanks to Dr Awe-osa for the work well done,you can contact him through his email:( or he can also cure any types of disease too,HIV/AIDS,DIABETICS,HEPATITIS B,CANCER, ALS, I'm so grateful to Dr.Awe-osa with person like him i know many life will be save,thank you Dr.Aawe-osa.
ReplyDeletethanks for viewing. his whatsapp number:+2348134747460
Hello viewers...i was diagnosed of herpes since i was given berth to,i have be living with this deadly disease for the past years now,all my efforts to be cured was in vain,until i met my old friend who told me of a herbalist that cure herpes, so i contacted the herbal doctor and i told him about my disease and then he assured me not to worry that after two weeks i must be cured,just as he said hopefully i was indeed cured,and now i am totally healed of herpes simplex virus and i am very happy,all thanks to Dr Awe-osa for the work well done,you can contact him through his email:( or he can also cure any types of disease too,HIV/AIDS,DIABETICS,HEPATITIS B,CANCER, ALS, I'm so grateful to Dr.Awe-osa with person like him i know many life will be save,thank you Dr.Aawe-osa.
ReplyDeletethanks for viewing. his whatsapp number:+2348134747460
Hello all my viewer out here,My name is Karen THOMPSON.I am here to give my testimony about a doctor who helped me in my life.I was infected with HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS in 2014,i went to many hospitals for cure but there was no solution,so I was thinking how can I get a solution out so that my body can be okay.One day I was in the river side thinking where I can go to get a lady walked to me telling me why am I so sad and i open up all to her telling her my problem,she told me that she can help me out, she introduce me to a Dr Patrick who uses his herbal medicine to cure HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS and gave me his email,so i mail him.He told me all the things I need to do and also give me instructions to take,which I followed properly.Before I knew what is happening after four weeks the HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS that was in my body got cured.he can cure any kind of diseases with his herbal medicine like HIV diseases,Cancer diseases,HPV diseases.Zika virus diseases.Syphilis,Hepatitis types of Cancer,Gonorrhea,LOW SPERM.quickly contacted DR.Patrick so if you are also heart broken and also need a help, you can also email him at or call him +2347061824880 and whats-app
ReplyDeleteMy herpes virus that was cured by a great herbal medicine man. Since last 7 months i was having these virus. last 5 weeks I was in a great pain so I told one of my friends about it he told me that there is a great herbal medicine man that can cure herpes virus and so many diseases and he also help people in getting pregnant and bringing back EX Lover. I asked her if she had the contact so i could give it a try, she gave me the email, I emailed him he talked to me and he perform the necessary rituals and send me the herbal medicine and he told me that after few weeks I should go for a test. Which I did, when the doctor told me that am now herpes virus negative I couldn't believe myself I went to see another doctor the result was still the same i couldn't keep this to myself so i decided to let it out on this page that if anyone one here need help in curing his/her heroes virus or trying to conceive should also give this a try once again you can email him email or whatsaap number: 2348073673757
ReplyDeleteam fred obas wood, from pampanga, , mexico. I was infected with herpes virus for over six months, i was not myself, until i was on the internet searching for instant remedy. So luckily, i was reading a testimonial of a client who was cured of herpes too by the amazing spell caster named prophet suleman, an ancient spell doctor from West Africa. I contacted him by email, and within 48hours, my herpes disease was cured up. All thanks to the superb prophet suleman for his amazing healing spell. You can get his contact with him now by email: Thank you once more great one! I will continue to testify of your goodness in my life if you need more information about him contact me
COMPLETE CURE TO LYMES: My brother was infected by a lyme disease for 10 years, it started with Rash, Fever, Fatigue and Head ache, It then later worsened (Chronic). I have tried many treatment suggested by the Guru which include Antibiotics, and more other medicine prescribed but all to no avail. Lately I was directed to a Doctor called William, who provided solution to the problem. Do not be discourage, it is a permanent treatment/cure to Lyme Disease, Contact him with this email for more info: (drwilly37@ gmail. com)
ReplyDeleteCOMPLETE CURE TO LYMES: My brother was infected by a lyme disease for 10 years, it started with Rash, Fever, Fatigue and Head ache, It then later worsened (Chronic). I have tried many treatment suggested by the Guru which include Antibiotics, and more other medicine prescribed but all to no avail. Lately I was directed to a Doctor called William, who provided solution to the problem. Do not be discourage, it is a permanent treatment/cure to Lyme Disease, Contact him with this email for more info: (drwilly37@ gmail. com)
ReplyDeleteGod bless Prophet suleman for his marvelous work in my life, I was diagnosed of ALS since 2012 and I was taking my medications, I wasn't satisfied i needed to get the ALS out of my system, I searched about some possible cure for ALS i saw a comment about Prophet suleman , how he cured ALS with his herbal medicine, I contacted him and he guided me. I asked for solutions, he started the remedy for my health, he sent me the medicine through UPS SPEED POST. I took the medicine as prescribed by him and 14 days later i was cured from ALS ,thank you
ReplyDeleteMy son once had the problem of HIV/AID which affected his Education for years,i gave him different medication but there was no solution,i search the net and i found the contact of a doctor called DR UKO, who help me with his MEDICATION on curing HIV/AIDS, CANCER< HERPES, HEP B, zika epilepsy problem and other deadly diseases,he also assured me that it is a permanent cure,my son took the medication for just 1 weeks and he was back to normal. for two years now he has been doing fine.I give all thanks to Dr Ariba for helping me out of such problem now am the happiest person on earth for seeing my son doing better can also contact him on or you can also call on +2347064650019
or whatsapp me +2347064650019
Hello to the people of this forum< Am chizzy from Texas and i can say that am the happiest person on earth since last week with what DR UKO has done for me , it all started last year October when my fiance left me in Texas and travel to see his parents in Ohio at first him was still calling me and show love even when him was away , but it gets to a point when he no longer gives a shit about me , and i noticed it so when i tried to confront him , he told me that he dose not love me again that he feel like being alone i was shocked and heartbroken when i tried talking he will hang the phone on me i was so heart broken and i was frustrated about this , but on a second thought i was not convince that he was on his right senses so i discuss this with my elder sister who lives in California and she directed me to DR UKO of saying that the man has helped her friend in such case before so i said to my self let me tried i contacted this man and explain everything to him and behold dr uko said to me what am to do and i did exactly what he and he said after three days my fiance will call me and once he calls me i should pick the calls and he gave some other instructions . so i said okay , but to my best surprise on the 7th of November my fiancee called me and started saying on the phone am sorry it was like a dream to me , with this i said i will tell the world of his dr UKO goodness in my life , so if any one is out there and needs help in his or her relationship can also contact him today via
ReplyDeleteemail or whatsapp him on +2347064650019
All thanks to Dr Oboite for curing my HEPATITIS C VIRUS with his herbal medicine, i do not have much to say but with all my life i will for ever be grateful to him and thank God Almighty for using Dr Oboite to reach me when i thought it was all over, today i am happy with my life again after the doctor have confirmed I am NEGATIVE,i have never in my life believed that HEPATITIS C VIRUS could be cured by herbal medicine. so i want to use this means to reach other persons who have this disease by testifying about Dr Oboite that all hope is not lost yet, try and contact him by any means for any kind of disease with his email: or call and whatsapp him on +2348054265852 He will help you and his herbal medication is sure.
ReplyDeletehe has the cure for all this disease as he told me and it listed.
I am Crystal From USA It is no longer news that the Acquired immune deficiency syndrome Herpes Virus is increasing by the day. The fear is that many people living with the sickness are scared of saying it because of the stigma that comes along with it.I am bold enough among many others to state that there is now a potent cure to this sickness but many are unaware of it. I discovered that I was infected with the virus 3 months ago, after a medical check-up. My doctor told me and I was shocked, confused and felt like my world has crumbled. I was dying slowly due to the announcement of my medical practitioner but he assured me that I could leave a normal life if I took my medications (as there was no medically known cure to Herpes). I went from churches to churches but soon found that my case needed urgent attention as I was growing lean due to fear of dying anytime soon. In a bid to look for a lasting solution to my predicament, I sought for solutions from the voodoo world. I went online and searched for every powerful trad-medical practitioner that I could severe, cos I heard that the African Voodoo Priests had a cure to the Herpes syndrome. It was after a little time searching the web that I came across one Dr Odoma (A powerful African Voodoo Priest), who offered to help me at a monetary fee. I had to comply as this was my final bus-stop to receiving a perfect healing. My last resolve was to take my life by myself, should this plan fail. At last it worked out well. He gave me some steps to follow and I meticulously carried out all his instructions. Last month, to be precise, I went back to the hospital to conduct another test and to my amazement, the results showed that " I am NEGATIVE". You can free yourself of this Herpes virus by consulting this great African Voodoo Priest via this e-mail: or call and whats-app him on +2348076054350 He will help you and his herb medication is sure. he has the cure on all this disease as he told me and it listed. GENITAL WARTS/ PREGNANCY. EPILEPSY. GENPILENCIN. HIV AIDS. PREGNANCY DIABETICS STROKE. EXPANDS OF PENIS BREAST H.P.V TYPE 1 TYPE 2 TYPE 3 AND TYPE 4. TYPE 5. HUMAN PAPAILOMA VIRUS. HERPES. SYPHILIS. CANCER. HEPATITIS A B and C. HIRE BLOOD PRESSURES. AND BODY BOILS. AND BODY DISEASES . THANK TO YOU ALL FOR YOUR TIME OF READING MY TESTIMONY AND MOST ESPECIALLY YOU Dr Odoma, I PRAY TO GOD TO NEVER LET ME AND MY FAMILY FORGET YOU IN OUR LIFE
ReplyDeleteAfter been in pain and sorrow for 2years and 11months, Dr Odi was able
ReplyDeleteto restore my life back with his herbal medicine, my good friends i
have been Hiv positive for 2years and everyday of my life i cry to God
as i was a mother of 2 cute kids who were looking up to me, I was
taking my medication from the hospital, I also did some prayers to God
that he should do some miracle in my life, my friends this is a life
touching story i am sharing with you all on net today, Few Months ago
i was browsing on net when i found some good testimonials about Dr Odi
Herbs, and someone recommended that he has cured Hiv by Dr Odi, i
always had faith that God could use someone to heal me, i contacted Dr
Odi and i told him concerning my problem he told me not to worry that
with God all things are possible and also that he was going to prepare
for me some herbal herbs which i am to take. Dr Odi he advice that i
go for check again to see my status result and he assured me of good
result, i was afraid at this point cause i never wanted someone to
tell me again that i am positive, after 2days i went to the Hospital
for check up and they said the result was to come out by Friday, at
11:00am on Friday the hospital Doctor called me and told me that the
result was out and i am Negative, i was shocked and could not believe
it, i immediately called Dr Odi and told him about the good news he
told me to rejoice and make sure i share my testimony with my friends
and that is why i am doing this right now, friends you can contact Dr
Odi today on or call him on +2348115531558,
friends Dr Odi can help you solve any problem contact him now.
I really happy that i and my husband are cured of (HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS) with the herbal medicine of Dr Odioa , i have been suffering from this disease for the past 3 years without solution until i came across the email of this doctors who have cure so many people with his herbal medicine, i also choose to give him a chance to help me and my husband, he told me what to do and i kindly did it, and he gave us his herbal medicine and direct me on how to use it, i also follows his instruction for use and he ask us to go for a check up after 3 weeks and which i did, to my greatest surprise our result came out as negative, we are really happy that there is someone like this DR who is ready to help anytime any day. to all the readers and viewers that is doubting this testimony stop doubting it and contact this Dr and see if he will not actually help you. i am not a stupid woman that i will come out to the public and start saying what someone have not done for me. His contact on:
ReplyDeleteHello everyone.....i'm from USA, I'm here to give my testimony about how i got cure form herpes. i came on this site and i research it of days before i contacted anyone. I was diagnosed with herpes on may 2016 and i refuse to let this take over my life.I'm here to tell you that there is a cure.I'm here to tell you about the great Dr. Odugu who cure me in 7 days if you're looking for a healing he can heal and cure anything he can heal you with his herbal medicine please contact him via email or
ReplyDeleteMy daughter suffered from a terrible tinnitus for more than 23 years which started after she turned 5 we all thought it will end but got even worse as days went by. We tried all several treatments and therapy prescribed by various doctors we met but to no avail, she lost total concentration and screamed most times. She usually tells me she hears hissing and ringing noises. This were steady noise that disrupted her entire life, even at night she screams even more because the sounds become louder because everywhere is quiet and she slept less because of this.It was during a casual conversation with a friend that i learned about dr Williams herbal medicine I was able to contact him on his email address. and give him all the necessary information that he needed,few day later he sent me the herbal portion and his medicine was able to restore her back to normal and she is very okay now without any side effects whatsoever. If you have Tinnitus, do not hesitate to contact him on for advice and for his product. I hope this also helps someone out there
I want to appreciate Dr Alli for using his herbal medicine to cure my family herpes virus,since 3 years ago my family have been having this herpes disease and it have been giving my family challenges,we were so perplexed cause my family have taken several drugs to be cure but every of our effort was in-vain,a fateful morning i was browsing through the internet then i saw several testimonies about Dr Alli curing people of their herpes disease immediately i contacted Dr Alli on his email: { }, told him about my family troubles and he told me that my family must be cure,so he prepare a herbal medicine for my family which we use for 2 weeks and everything was like a dream for my family,my family herpes disease was totally gone,why don't you contact him today and be free from your disease on email,[ ]or call his on Mobile +2348100772528
ReplyDeleteDr.Ogumen God will continue to bless you more abundantly, for the good works you are doing in peoples life, I will keep on testifying about your good work, I was healed from HERPES VIRUS through the help of Dr.Ogumen. I saw a blog on how Dr.Ogumen known as 'LORD SPIRITUAL' cured people with his herbal treatment, i did not believe but i just decided to give him a try, I contacted him and he prepare the herbs for me which i took, after taking it, he told me to go for check up, could you believe that i was confirm herpes negative after the test, and i went to a different hospital and it was also negative, i am so happy. If you have any problem or you are also infected with any disease like HIV/AIDS , HERPES , CANCER , ALS. He can also help u get your lover back to u again . etc kindly contact him now with his Email: or add him on whatsapp +2347064358629. you can also reach him on his phone number +2348112060028
Dr.William product is a real cure to Tinnitus, I am 38 years old, I suffered from permanent tinnitus for about 10 years, mostly in my right ear... which means I've got this constant ringing in my ears, which has also made me somewhat deaf. It's like this Whee! noise in my head all the time. My T was more steady, this is due to prolonged exposure to the loud volume of concerts. Looking after your ears is unfortunately something you don't think about until there's a problem. I wish I'd thought about it earlier. There were days when I didn't know whether I would survive, I was so tormented by this symptoms. When I lay down to sleep it bothers me the most, As I lay my head on the pillow, it cancels out all the other noise but the Tinnitus. The GoodNews is that after using William Herbal medicine, Tinnitus is gone, try it also it may work for you. There are real cure and do not be discouraged. Hang in there... Better days will come (email:
ReplyDelete2015 my mother was diagnosed of HIV ,i spent a lot of money on her medication till a point i even lost hope,because my mother was gradually dying and lost her memory too, i was so desperate to get my mother back to normal ,so one day my uncle who lives in United Kingdom told me about Dr Lala ,who helped him get rid of COPD Emphysema with herbal medicine ,i was so shocked when he told me that,but know is true because my uncle cant lie me ,so i contacted Dr. Lala via his email; , he replied and ask me to send my home address and my mother's detail and then i purchased the herbal medicine,sent me the herbal medicine through courier service, when i received this herbal medicine used it for 2 weeks, and after 2 weeks of usage my mother was totally cured of HIV,now my mother is living free and happy again ..all thanks to doctor Lala or +2349054910629 all thanks to doctor Lala
ReplyDeleteGood day everyone my name is Nora, I have this great opportunity to share this testimony about how I get cure for my HIV,Two years ago I was HIV positive so I was suffering from it I was doing one thing or the order to get a cure there was know way for it so I was on my research on the internet I saw a testimony of a young man, about how DR. Ozala help him get a cured for HIV with his herbal medicine I was surprise and I do not believe I said okay let me try him I contact him that night on his email and he gave me instructions and I follow it he told me what to do and I did it, after a week he sent to me the medicine true DHL he told me how to use it and I did exactly how he instructed me to use it, after two weeks he told me that I should go for test, indeed I did it, and behold I was HIV "negative" am so grateful Doctor, now am happy with my Husband and two kids I want to use this opportunity to say this, please if you have this kind of disease called HIV, I want you to contact him on is email: or whatsapp him +2347064614569 and he can also help you get a cure for HPV, HERPES, CANCER,disease and he can cure you from any kind of diseases with his herbal medicine. all you have to do is to believe him. thank you my Dr may god bless you......
ReplyDeleteE-mail: or whatsapp: +2347064614569
I have heard of him before, but after watching his documentary “healing spell” I was turned on to the full story
ReplyDeleteabout Dr okosodo. He is a man who has the Cure for AIDS,Cancer, Sickle Cell, Herpes,warts,HPV,ALS Diabetes and every kind of
illness, through a whole foods vegetarian diet and natural herbs, what he calls Electric Foods. He went to herbal school college,
and has thousands of testimonials of healing people with Herpes, HIV AIDS, and HPV several other
illnesses. Lisa “Left Eye” Lopes of TLC was cured of Herpes by him and she was so moved by his knowledge that she went on
to spread the word about him in every way she could. She also opened a Cultural/Healing Center for Children in USA
before she passed away tragically. This all inspired me that i had to contact Dr okosodo, because i was having Herpes
which could not be cure but was only managed, when i contacted Dr. okosodo, he sent me some herbs which i took, and now i can tell you, i have be totally cured of Herpes, My Name is tracy, I am from the South Carolina, Please if you have any form
of illness especially STD,Infertility,HIV etc. you can contact him immediately through his Email Address
Name: tracy malay
PHONE/WHATS APP : +2348136623427
I am so so happy today, I have been suffering from HIV for the past 3years now,i have spent a lot getting drugs from the hospital to keep me healthy i have tried all. means in life to become HIV negative but there was no answer until i decided to try herbal solution and i found Great dr bello on an online research, i took a lot of Faith in him because I was so in need of anything that can cure my HIV and make it negative, so i contacted him and after his powerful intervention I’m so glad that i am now HIV.Negative, i am very very happy thank you. Great dr bello for helping cure my HIV negatives and restoring me back to my normal life again and how you help me to come back newly again without any form of. crisis i promise to tell your name and your cure, also your good. deeds to the whole world. Kindly contact him for cure regarding on HIV, Herpes, Cancer and other disease. Email call or whtsApp him +2348147271779.
ReplyDeleteI am so so happy today, I have been suffering from HIV for the past 3years now,i have spent a lot getting drugs from the hospital to keep me healthy i have tried all. means in life to become HIV negative but there was no answer until i decided to try herbal solution and i found Great dr bello on an online research, i took a lot of Faith in him because I was so in need of anything that can cure my HIV and make it negative, so i contacted him and after his powerful intervention I’m so glad that i am now HIV.Negative, i am very very happy thank you. Great dr bello for helping cure my HIV negatives and restoring me back to my normal life again and how you help me to come back newly again without any form of. crisis i promise to tell your name and your cure, also your good. deeds to the whole world. Kindly contact him for cure regarding on HIV, Herpes, Cancer and other disease. Email call or whtsApp him +2348147271779.
ReplyDeleteIt still unbelievable to believe that HIV AIDS still has cure, me and my Husband has been suffering from HIV AIDS for so many years and we have search for help but we were unable to find one, i was told that there was no cure for HIV AIDS but somehow i believe that there was someone out that has a cure, so that was how i went in search for s solution on how to get cured of HIV AIDS and surprisingly i saw comment on daily news papers where lady testify of how Dr BAWADA herbal medicine cure her, i was so confused because first i thought that there was no cure but now seeing that someone outside has a cure, i thoughts of it as a scam but something told me to give it a try and when i did he reply me and assure me that me and my husband will be cured once we receive his herbal medicine, that was how he prepared it, and send my herbal medication that me and my husband used that cure me and my husband in Just 2 weeks and we were tested HIV AIDS Negative. All Thanks to the powerful Dr BAWADA for his help in my life. contact him on his or contact his cell number+2348110156066 or web/site
hello everybody,
ReplyDeletei don't just know the reason why some people is finding it difficult to believe that there is a cure for herpes, i have been suffering from herpes since last three years with my boyfriend but today i am happy that am cure from it with the herbal medicine of Dr Aba the great healer,i was browsing the internet searching for help when i came across a testimony shared by someone on how Dr Aba cure his herpes i was so much in need of getting his treatment but after all Dr Aba brought a smile to my face with his herbal medicine. i am so much happy today that we have someone like this great healer out there, so my people out there kindly contact this great healer on his email address: please sir keep your good work cause there are people out there who is in need of your healing medicine.once more contact him now: you can call him or whatsApp his number +2348107155060 see more at
It still unbelievable to believe that HIV AIDS still has cure, Me and my Wife has been suffering from HIV AIDS for so many years and we have search for help but we were unable to find one, i was told that there was no cure for HIV AIDS but somehow i believe that there was someone out that has a cure, so that was how i went in search for s solution on how to get cured of HIV AIDS and surprisingly i saw comment on daily news papers where lady testify of how Dr Ade herbal medicine cure her, i was so confused because first i thought that there was no cure but now seeing that someone outside has a cure, i thoughts of it as a scam but something told me to give it a try and when i did he reply me and assure me that me and my husband will be cured once we receive his herbal medicine, that was how he prepared it, and send my herbal medication that me and my husband used that cure me and my husband in Just 2 weeks and we were tested HIV AIDS Negative. All Thanks to the powerful Dr Ade for his help in my life. contact him on his or contact his cell number+2347057375409.
ReplyDeleteHi everyone, I am scott david , I’m from Hamburg Germany. I want to appreciate the great work of Dr joel, I have been diagnose of herpes infection for a period of 2years,I’ve lose all hope that there is no cure and I have been taken medicine to sustain myself till I got to know about Dr. joel through a friend who he cured of Hiv. I contacted him and he sent me a Herbal Medicine which I took as prescribed for some period of days and I went to the hospital after consuming the Herbal medicine and I was confirmed Herpes Negative after 2 years of being positive, it is indeed a miracle, Dr joel is a great man, I have heard so much about how he has help lot of people, if you have any issue you can contact him for help. Email: or you whatsapp him on +2349038503545 While I was on his medication I understood that he can also cure HERPES, HIV/AIDS, ASEPSIS, CANCER, Male/female menopause, Miscarriage, Menstruation problem and many more. Contact him today and get your problem solved
ReplyDeleteI am grateful to Dr.Ero who help me to help put an end to my HIV positive [+ ve] illness. I saw a blog on the Internet on how this Powerful Healer healed someone. As a patient who know this will take my life one day, and I have to live with other relatives and friends as well. So I copied Dr.Ero, the traditional healer email id: and contacted him. I would say that he is God sent to me. last week I went to close by the hospital to check my HIV status, it was surprising that the lab technician said the test result was HIV negative [-ve]. You can contact him at or telephone number +2349077338035 my advice is to contact him and tell him about all your health problems. thank you very much Dr.Ero.
ReplyDeleteALL THANKS TO DR WILLIAMS My daughter suffered from a terrible tinnintus for more than 23 years which started after she turned 5 we all thought it will end but got even worse as days went by. We tried all several treatments and therapy prescribed by various doctors we met but to no avail, she lost total consentration and screamed most times. She usually tells me she hears hissing and ringing noises. This were steady noise that disrupted her entire life, even at night she screams even more because the sounds become louder because everywhere is quiet and she slept less because of this. I was able to contact Dr.williams. on the matter and his medicine was able to restore her back to normal and she is very okay now without any side effects whatsoever. If you have Tinnitus, do not hesitate to contact him on for advice and for his product. I hope this helps someone out there.
ReplyDeleteIt still unbelievable to believe that HIV AIDS still has cure, me and my Husband has been suffering from HIV AIDS for so many years and we have search for help but we were unable to find one, i was told that there was no cure for HIV AIDS but somehow i believe that there was someone out that has a cure, so that was how i went in search for s solution on how to get cured of HIV AIDS and surprisingly i saw comment on daily news papers where lady testify of how Dr OMO herbal medicine cure her, i was so confused because first i thought that there was no cure but now seeing that someone outside has a cure, i thoughts of it as a scam but something told me to give it a try and when i did he reply me and assure me that me and my husband will be cured once we receive his herbal medicine, that was how he prepared it, and send my herbal medication that me and my husband used that cure me and my husband in Just 2 weeks and we were tested HIV AIDS Negative. All Thanks to the powerful Dr OMO for his help in my life. contact him on his email FREEHIVCUREHOME@GMAIL.COM
ReplyDeletewhatssup him on +2348077309081,+2348105813057
Hello are you suffering from diabetes or any kind of sickness, I know of a great herbalist who cures different diseases with herbs, he helped me cure my DIABETES/HERPSFROM POSSESSIVE TO NEGATIVE he also cures HIV diabetes, cancer epilepsy, stomach ulcers,harps and many other diseases his email is : or call +2348138634433. sir dr UDURO may God bless you for me........
14. Male menopause or call +2348138634433. sir dr UDURO may God bless you for me........
God bless Dr. sebi for his marvelous work in my life, I was diagnosed of HERPES/HIV since 2010 and I was taking my medications, I wasn't satisfied i needed to get the HERPES.HIV out of my system, I searched about some possible cure for HERPES/HIV i saw a comment about Dr. sebi, how he cured HERPES/HIV with his herbal medicine, I contacted him and he guided me. I asked for solutions, he started the remedy for my health, he sent me the medicine through UPS SPEED POST. I took the medicine as prescribed by him and 8 days later i was cured from HERPES/HIV,thank you Dr sebi ONCE AGAIN THANK YOU SIR
ReplyDeletedr sebi cure the flowing virus, add him on whatsapp +2348158836673 my USA branch number +19147094469
1 cancer cure
2 diabetes cure
3 ringing ear
4 herpes cure
5 warts cure
6 HPV cure
7 Hiv
7 get your ex back
8 pregnancy herbal medicine
9 prostate enlargement
I’m giving a testimony about Dr Osemudiamen the great Herbalist man, he has the cure to all manner of diseases, he cured my herpes simplex virus, though I went through different website. I saw different testimonies about different spell casters and herbalist, I was like: ‘Many people’s have the herpes simplex virus cure why are people still suffering from it? I thought of it. Then I contacted Dr Osemudiamen via email: I didn’t believe him that much, I just wanted to give him a try, he replied my mail and Needed some Information about me, then I sent them to him, he prepared it (CURE) and sent it to me Fed-ex delivery, he gave my details to the FedEx Office, they told me that 2-3 days I will receive the parcel and i took the medicine as prescribed by him and I went for check-up 2 weeks after finishing the medicine, I was tested herpes simplex virus negative. if you are herpes simplex virus patient do me a favor by you contacting him and I assure anyone who is suffering it, your problem will never remain the same again you will be cured. Also Dr Osemudiamen help my sisters husband to cure his HIV/AIDS he was suffering from for the past 3 years. After he cured my herpes simplex virus, then my sister heard about it, she went home to tell her husband about Dr Osemudiamen then her husband emailed him and explained his problem to him. He also prepare herbal medicine and he use fed-ex delivery to sent him the herbal medicine and he instruct him on how he will be using it for 14 days. That on the 15 day of it, he should go and check his self in the hospital and he did as he was instructed by Dr Osemudiamen. To GOD be the glory he was cured of his HIV/AIDS which he was suffering from for the past 3 years thanks to these great man we will ever remain grateful to you Sir indeed might work you did in our families. When you contact him, make sure you tell him that I refer you.. contact him via:
ReplyDeleteI can’t believe this. A great testimony that i must share to all HERPES patient in the world i never believed that their could be any complete cure for HERPES or any cure for HERPES,i saw people’s testimony on blog sites of how DR losa prepare herbal cure and brought them back to life again. i had to try it too and you can,t believe that in just few weeks i started using it all my body stop gradually and i had to leave without the HERPES DRUGS the doctor gave to me. Right now i can tell you that few months now i have not had any pain,delay in treatment leads to death. Here is his his WHATSAPP number is +2348162760778 or call +2348162760778 he also
ReplyDeletespecial on cureing
I can’t believe this. A great testimony that i must share to all HERPES patient in the world i never believed that their could be any complete cure for HERPES or any cure for HERPES,i saw people’s testimony on blog sites of how DR losa prepare herbal cure and brought them back to life again. i had to try it too and you can,t believe that in just few weeks i started using it all my body stop gradually and i had to leave without the HERPES DRUGS the doctor gave to me. Right now i can tell you that few months now i have not had any pain,delay in treatment leads to death. Here is his his WHATSAPP number is +2348162760778 or call +2348162760778 he also
special on cureing
I can’t believe this. A great testimony that i must share to all HERPES patient in the world i never believed that their could be any complete cure for HERPES or any cure for HERPES,i saw people’s testimony on blog sites of how DR losa prepare herbal cure and brought them back to life again. i had to try it too and you can,t believe that in just few weeks i started using it all my body stop gradually and i had to leave without the HERPES DRUGS the doctor gave to me. Right now i can tell you that few months now i have not had any pain,delay in treatment leads to death. Here is his his WHATSAPP number is +2348162760778 or call +2348162760778 he also
ReplyDeletespecial on cureing
I’m giving a testimony about Dr Osemudiamen the great Herbalist man, he has the cure to all manner of diseases, he cured my herpes simplex virus, though I went through different website. I saw different testimonies about different spell casters and herbalist, I was like: ‘Many people’s have the herpes simplex virus cure why are people still suffering from it? I thought of it. Then I contacted Dr Osemudiamen via email: I didn’t believe him that much, I just wanted to give him a try, he replied my mail and Needed some Information about me, then I sent them to him, he prepared it (CURE) and sent it to me Fed-ex delivery, he gave my details to the FedEx Office, they told me that 2-3 days I will receive the parcel and i took the medicine as prescribed by him and I went for check-up 2 weeks after finishing the medicine, I was tested herpes simplex virus negative. if you are herpes simplex virus patient do me a favor by you contacting him and I assure anyone who is suffering it, your problem will never remain the same again you will be cured. Also Dr Osemudiamen help my sisters husband to cure his HIV/AIDS he was suffering from for the past 3 years. After he cured my herpes simplex virus, then my sister heard about it, she went home to tell her husband about Dr Osemudiamen then her husband emailed him and explained his problem to him. He also prepare herbal medicine and he use fed-ex delivery to sent him the herbal medicine and he instruct him on how he will be using it for 14 days. That on the 15 day of it, he should go and check his self in the hospital and he did as he was instructed by Dr Osemudiamen. To GOD be the glory he was cured of his HIV/AIDS which he was suffering from for the past 3 years thanks to these great man we will ever remain grateful to you Sir indeed might work you did in our families. When you contact him, make sure you tell him that I refer you.. contact him via:
ReplyDeleteI am indeed very happy for my life; I never thought that I will live on
ReplyDeleteearth before the year runs out. I have been suffering from a deadly disease
(HIV/AIDS) for the past 2 years now; I had spent a lot of money going from
one places to another, from churches to churches, hospitals have been my
every day residence. Constant checks up have been my hobby but until this
faithful day, I was searching through the internet, I saw a testimony on
how a spell caster helped someone in curing his Molluscum Contagiosum
disease, quickly I copied his email which is
I spoke to him, he asked me to do some
certain things which I did, he told me that he is going to cast the spell
which he did, then he asked me to go for medical checkup after 45 minutes
of casting the spell, I was free from the deadly disease, he only asked me
to post the testimony through the whole world, faithfully am doing it now,
please brothers and sisters, he is great, I owe him my life, if you are
having a similar problem just email him on
WOW I HAVE NEVER BELIEVE IN HERBAL REMEDIES.MY NAME IS JOY I have been a patient of tinnitus ringing ears since 35 years. I had tried a lot of anti viral med prescribed to me by doctors over the years but I could not see any improvements in my symptoms. One day while going through the internet , i got to know about this great Herbal Dr who uses his herbal remedies in curing people,quickly i contacted him and he prepared a herbal medication for me which i received and used as instructed. After few weeks the improvement were very visible. Outbreaks has stopped and the sores started to heal. I would recommend this to all my friends,families,around the globe suffering from tinnitus ringing can contact him through his email on TO YOU ONCE AGAIN DR WILLIAMS.
ReplyDeleteI want to share to the world how Dr Olorun helped me cure my HIV/Aids with his herb i never believe it will work because i was introduce to him by my friend who was cure of HIV/Aids by Dr olorun. so i will tell you all who is looking for a cure to their HIV/AIDS, he took research before he could finally get the solution to it. thank God today am a beneficiary to these cure and i went back to the hospital after three (3) months of taking the herb and i was negative, and he also cure any kind of cancer without any surgery and he heal with natural herb. please i urge you to contact him now through his email address:
ReplyDeleteMy name is miss caro and I’m really happy that me my husband is cured from
ReplyDelete(HERPES VIRUS) with the herbal medicine of Dr iyaya, he have been
suffering from this disease for the past 9month without solution until i
came across the email of this doctor who us, so many people with
his herbal medicine, I also choose to give him a chance to help me and my
husband, he told me what to do and i kindly did it, and he gave us his
herbal medicine and direct me on how to use it, i also follow the
instructions and use it that way he said, after one week i see the changes on me and i ask my husband did you feel anything he said yes, to my greatest surprise we where cure, I say to God so this man is real, thank you for directing me to him, that was how we where cured. To all the readers and viewers that is doubting this
testimony stop doubting him and contact this doctor if you really want to
be cure and see if he will not actually help you. you can contact him on is mail or call 09063760130 give a try and give your own
My name is miss caro and I’m really happy that me my husband is cured from
(HERPES VIRUS) with the herbal medicine of Dr iyaya, he have been
suffering from this disease for the past 9month without solution until i
came across the email of this doctor who us, so many people with
his herbal medicine, I also choose to give him a chance to help me and my
husband, he told me what to do and i kindly did it, and he gave us his
herbal medicine and direct me on how to use it, i also follow the
instructions and use it that way he said, after one week i see the changes on me and i ask my husband did you feel anything he said yes, to my greatest surprise we where cure, I say to God so this man is real, thank you for directing me to him, that was how we where cured. To all the readers and viewers that is doubting this
testimony stop doubting him and contact this doctor if you really want to
be cure and see if he will not actually help you. you can contact him on is mail or call 09063760130 give a try and give your own..
My name is miss caro and I’m really happy that me my husband is cured from
ReplyDelete(HERPES VIRUS) with the herbal medicine of Dr iyaya, he have been
suffering from this disease for the past 9month without solution until i
came across the email of this doctor who us, so many people with
his herbal medicine, I also choose to give him a chance to help me and my
husband, he told me what to do and i kindly did it, and he gave us his
herbal medicine and direct me on how to use it, i also follow the
instructions and use it that way he said, after one week i see the changes on me and i ask my husband did you feel anything he said yes, to my greatest surprise we where cure, I say to God so this man is real, thank you for directing me to him, that was how we where cured. To all the readers and viewers that is doubting this
testimony stop doubting him and contact this doctor if you really want to
be cure and see if he will not actually help you. you can contact him on is mail or call 09063760130 give a try and give your own
Hello!! I’m indeed very happy for the great help that Dr. okorom rendered to me, I was a herpes patient my husband also was a herpes patient, we saw a blog whereby Dr. okorom cured herpes, we (Me and My Husband) decided to contact him which we did, he asked us to buy some items, unfailingly we sent him the money he will need in buying the items required, He castes the spell and asked us to go for check-up after three days of casting the spell, Luckily for us we were tested herpes negative, now I believe all these Testimonies about him on the internet, he is truly a great man, if you want to discuss with me on how he cured us, kindly email me on or you can contact the great Herbalist and a spell caster on or you can call him via his mobile phone number on +2348158168556----
ReplyDeleteHello, My name is Alexis from US. I am here to let you know if you are having issues with your health, The solution is out there. I was cured of HIV with the use of a herbal medicine from Dr Baba Ogu. I was diagnosed with this virus for almost 12yrs but i was cured within few weeks after drinking the herbs which Dr Baba Ogu sent to me. Dr Ogu is a herbalist doctor. I know of this doctor through others people testimonies, they were all thanking him and praying for him. He has herbs for the following illness, Asthma, Cancer, Diabetic 1&2, Impotence, HBP,Herpes 1&2, Hiv, Chronic, Arthritis, Depression, etc. He is also a spell caster, he cast spell to bring Divorced lovers together, a spell to make more profit in business, good luck spell, etc. Email him now via: You can also call or Whatsap him on +2348137291215. Please once you are cured, let people know about it. Together, we fight to become healthy. God bless you.
ReplyDeleteCOMPLETE CURE TO TINNITUS: I had tinnitus in both ears for fifteen years with a high pitched two tone sound, the noises are constant and have learned to ignore the ringing. Later, another sound was added, a deep tone that has a sporadic rhythm, that mimics human speech. It varies from soft and muted, to painfully clear, and loud. Have try sound machines, ear plugs, my hearing aid, and medication all to no avail rather I have a difficult time sleeping. Lately I was directed to a Doctor called lewishill on internet who provided solution to the problem. Do not be discourage, it is a permanent cure to Tinnitus. Contact him with this email (drlewishill247@ gmail. com)
ReplyDeleteI have been suffering from (HERPES) disease for the last four years and had constant pain, especially in my knees. During the first year,I had faith in God that i would be healed someday.This disease started circulate all over my body and i have been taking treatment from my doctor, few weeks ago i came on search on the internet if i could get any information concerning the prevention of this disease, on my search i saw a testimony of someone who has been healed from (Hepatitis B and Cancer) by this Man DR JOEL and she also gave the email address of this man and advise we should contact him for any sickness that he would be of help, so i wrote to DR JOEL telling him about my (HERPES Virus) he told me not to worry that i was going to be cured!! hmm i never believed it,, well after all the procedures and remedy given to me by this man few weeks later i started experiencing changes all over me as the DR assured me that i have cured,after some time i went to my doctor to confirmed if i have be finally healed behold it was TRUE, So friends my advise is if you have such sickness or any other at all you can email DR JOEL on sir i am indeed grateful for the help i will forever recommend you to my friends!!! with your lovely Email Address or you can also whatsapp him on this number +2349038503545
ReplyDeleteFew months ago i ended natural treatment from traditional healer in African, i got rid of herpes virus out of my body with the herbal treatment. It is so amazing i am not an herpes patient anymore, everyone suffering from this virus should contact Dr Uyi and also be cured. His email address:
ReplyDeleteAppreciation is the key to doing more that is why I have took some
time out to thank some one who cured me of my 2 years TINNITUS
problem. It became a major problem to me as it was affecting my
marital life and I was no longer comfortable so I decided to look for
a solution and I came across a post of Dr willaims and how he has been
helping people of the same problem I contacted him and told him all I
have been facing in my life. He told me how to get his product and how
to take it after every thing I find out that all was now okay with me that my TINNITUS RINGING EARS was gone that is why I have come out
today to say thank you to him .you can contact his email address for people with similar condition.
After so many years of suffering from this terrible disease called HERPES GENITAL, and i never thought i will be back to my feet healthy again. until i met with this very powerful Dr BAWADA. a great lives safer.i had been diagnosed of HERPES GENITAL Disease for more than 3 years now and i have gone to places spiritual homes and so many others. till when i talked about it with a friend and he directed me to this powerful Dr BAWADA who helped individuals to get back their life's back. after i contacted him he told me he will prepare a herbal medicine for me which will cure me for just 2weeks and never to come back again. that was how he prepare my medicine for me and sent to me and after using it for just 2weeks i was confirmed negative by the same Doctor that said i was HERPES GENITAL positive. what a miracle BAWADA hand work cured herpes contact him today on his or his Mobile:+2348110156066 or his website:
ReplyDeleteDr.William product is a real cure to Tinnitus, I am 38 years old, I suffered from permanent tinnitus for about 4 years, mostly in my right ear... which means I've got this constant ringing in my ears, which has also made me somewhat deaf. It's like this Whee! noise in my head all the time. My T was more steady, this is due to prolonged exposure to the loud volume of concerts. Looking after your ears is unfortunately something you don't think about until there's a problem. I wish I'd thought about it earlier. There were days when I didn't know whether I would survive, I was so tormented by this symptoms. When I lay down to sleep it bothers me the most, As I lay my head on the pillow, it cancels out all the other ear. The GoodNews is that after using William Herbal medicine, Tinnitus is gone, try it also it going to work for you. There are real cure and do not be discouraged. Hang in there... Better days will come (email him on:
ReplyDeleteI really happy that i and my husband are cured of (HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS)
ReplyDeletewith the herbal medicine of Dr Odioa , i have been suffering from this
disease for the past 3 years without solution until i came across the email
of this doctors who have cure so many people with his herbal medicine, i
also choose to give him a chance to help me and my husband, he told me what
to do and i kindly did it, and he gave us his herbal medicine and direct me
on how to use it, i also follows his instruction for use and he ask us to
go for a check up after 3 weeks and which i did, to my greatest surprise
our result came out as negative, we are really happy that there is someone
like this DR who is ready to help anytime any day. to all the readers and
viewers that is doubting this testimony stop doubting it and contact this
Dr and see if he will not actually help you. i am not a stupid woman that i
will come out to the public and start saying what someone have not done for
me. His contact on:
How can I ever stop thanking Dr William for the great thing he have done for me, i got an accident when I was 27 years old from that day on i started experience ringing ear problem(tinnitus) i have taken all the western drugs prescribe by various doctor but to no avail . my tinnitus was very loud in the afternoon and I sleep less at night because of this problem i stop my work, few days later i was going through the Internet and I saw a post of a woman testifying about Dr William herbal remedies on how she was being cure for over her 30 years suffering from tinnitus the story Really motivated me that I have to speak with my husband about it, and he said i should give him a try, i contacted Dr William and explain all i have be facing in my life. He assured me that everything is going to be fine if only I can get his herbal portion, i said yes and I requested for it, few days later the herb was sent to me in Kuwait,i started using it as instructed by Dr William for me to take it for 21 Days which I did, can you imagine after talking Dr William herbal medicine for just two weeks i started experience results, it was like a miracle,and now i am permanently cure from this terrible tinnitus, i promise that am going to publish his herb on thing my last breath for the great deed he have done for me. For those with similar ear problem should please contact him on his email address drwilliams098765@gmail his a good man and am proud of him.
ReplyDeleteHello!! I’m indeed very happy for the great help that Dr. Zadson rendered to me, I was a herpes patient my husband also was a herpes patient, we saw a blog where Dr.Zadson cured herpes, we decided to contact him which we did,and he assured us of full recovery from this deadly disease and we did all that was necessary and required just less than 7 days Dr Zadson told us to go for a medical test which we did and to my greatest surprise we both tested negative to herpes i found it hard to beleive and we went to another hospital for confirmation and the case was similar there and then i knew this man is indeed true powerful and a man sent by God. If you require his servivces to cure herpes kindly email him on
ReplyDeleteI want to thank Dr Odinaka for the Herbal HIV medicine he gave to me and my daughter, i was suffering from HIV when i gave birth to my daughter and that was how my daughter got the sickness indirect from me, but to God be the glory that i am heal with the herbal medicine that Dr Odinaka gave to me when i emailed him. i want to use this medium to tell everyone that the solution to our sickness has come,so i will like you to contact this great healer on his email address, with him all your pains will be gone,i am really happy today that i and my daughter are cured of HIV, we are now Negative after the use of his Herb medicine, my specialist doctor confirm it. once more i say a big thank to you Dr Odinaka for healing hands upon my life and my daughter, i say may God continue to bless you abundantly and give you more power to keep helping those that needs your help. email him now he is waiting to receive you. {} or call him +2348147673395
4. ALS
5. eye problem
Hi everyone, there is good news, a perfect and great one. My daughter Janet of 17years who has suffered of HiV for 2 and half years has been cure by a Herbal doctor called Dr. buba who uses herbal and traditional medicine to cure people. I have spent so much on my daughter's health paying hospital bills and getting her medications for years but no improvement. A friend told me about this herbal man who cure people with herbal medicine. he cures all sickness, diseases, viruses, and infections with his different herbal curing medicine.
ReplyDeleteThe result that declares my daughter Janet healed was from a hospital here in Kansas, And the results of the test says my daughter was okay. Dr buba directed that Janet would be in 7days if she uses the medicine as directed. And 7days later, we went to confirm from the central hospital and several test that was done says my daughter is not sick of diseases . So she was cured by this herbal doctor in 7days as he has prescribe This amaze me though. I would advice everyone to meet this dr buba on for his herbal medicine to cure your illness because am happy to see my daughter healthy again.
Meet dr buba and set yourself and your love ones ill free.
you can also contact him for these same problems
doctor buba email again is
ReplyDeleteHello Wonderful Viewers Join me give thanks to Dr Sunshine for his Divine help on my life. 3 years ago i was diagnosed of Genital Herpes, and ever since i have been looking for a remedy on how to eradicate my disease. so i went in search for a cure and behold i came in contact with my famous Dr Sunshine who has cured people of their Genital Herpes, i was so glad that finally i can be cured from this disturbing disease and so i contacted his email or whatsApp +2349051208634 and when i did email him he wrote to me and give me a brief instruction on how to get my medicine prepared and so he did he prepare my medicine and sent to me to receive and told me that in 2 weeks i will see his great work.i beckoned on his words and so he did.i received my medicine and i used it in 2 weeks and i was totally cured. contact him today and be cured. So friends my advise is if you have such sickness disease, HERPES CURE OR CANCER OR HIV&AIDS, PENIS ENLARGEMENT,ASTHMA.
I really happy that i and my husband are cured of (HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS)
ReplyDeletewith the herbal medicine of Dr Odioa , i have been suffering from this
disease for the past 3 years without solution until i came across the email
of this doctors who have cure so many people with his herbal medicine, i
also choose to give him a chance to help me and my husband, he told me what
to do and i kindly did it, and he gave us his herbal medicine and direct me
on how to use it, i also follows his instruction for use and he ask us to
go for a check up after 3 weeks and which i did, to my greatest surprise
our result came out as negative, we are really happy that there is someone
like this DR who is ready to help anytime any day. to all the readers and
viewers that is doubting this testimony stop doubting it and contact this
Dr and see if he will not actually help you. i am not a stupid woman that i
will come out to the public and start saying what someone have not done for
me. His contact on: or call on +2348164265461
I really happy that i and my husband are cured of (HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS) with the herbal medicine of Dr.okonnofua , i have been suffering from this disease for the past 3 years without solution until i came across the email of this doctors who have cure so many people with his herbal medicine, i also choose to give him a chance to help me and my husband, he told me what to do and i kindly did it, and he gave us his herbal medicine and direct me on how to use it, i also follows his instruction for use and he ask us to go for a check up after 3 weeks and which i did, to my greatest surprise our result came out as negative, we are really happy that there is someone like this DR who is ready to help anytime any day. to all the readers and viewers that is doubting this testimony stop doubting it and contact this Dr and see if he will not actually help you. i am not a stupid woman that i will come out to the public and start saying what someone have not done for me., u can also whatsapp him with this number +2348012380983
ReplyDeleteI really happy that i and my husband are cured of (HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS) with the herbal medicine of Dr.okonnofua , i have been suffering from this disease for the past 3 years without solution until i came across the email of this doctors who have cure so many people with his herbal medicine, i also choose to give him a chance to help me and my husband, he told me what to do and i kindly did it, and he gave us his herbal medicine and direct me on how to use it, i also follows his instruction for use and he ask us to go for a check up after 3 weeks and which i did, to my greatest surprise our result came out as negative, we are really happy that there is someone like this DR who is ready to help anytime any day. to all the readers and viewers that is doubting this testimony stop doubting it and contact this Dr and see if he will not actually help you. i am not a stupid woman that i will come out to the public and start saying what someone have not done for me., u can also whatsapp him with this number +2348012380983
ReplyDeleteI want to thank Dr Odinaka for the Herbal HIV medicine he gave to me and my daughter, i was suffering from HIV when i gave birth to my daughter and that was how my daughter got the sickness indirect from me, but to God be the glory that i am heal with the herbal medicine that Dr Odinaka gave to me when i emailed him. i want to use this medium to tell everyone that the solution to our sickness has come,so i will like you to contact this great healer on his email address, with him all your pains will be gone,i am really happy today that i and my daughter are cured of HIV, we are now Negative after the use of his Herb medicine, my specialist doctor confirm it. once more i say a big thank to you Dr Odinaka for healing hands upon my life and my daughter, i say may God continue to bless you abundantly and give you more power to keep helping those that needs your help. email him now he is waiting to receive you. {} or call him +2348147673395
4. ALS
5. eye problem
I have been suffering from (HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS) disease for the past two years and had constant pain, especially in my knees. During the first year,I had faith in God that i would be healed someday.This disease started circulating all over my body and i have been taking treatment from my doctor, few weeks ago i came on search on the internet if i could get any information concerning the prevention of this disease, on my search i saw a testimony of someone who has been healed from (HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS) by this Man Dr Aba and she also gave the email address: of this man and advise we should contact him for any sickness that he would be of help, so i wrote to Dr. Aba telling him about my (HERPES Virus) he told me not to worry that i was going to be cured!! hmm i never believed it,, well after all the procedures and remedy given to me by this man few weeks later i started experiencing changes all over me as the Dr assured me that i have cured,after some time i went to my doctor to confirmed if i have be finally healed behold it was TRUE, So friends my advise is if you have such sickness or any other at all you can email:: or whatsApp his number on +2348107155060
ReplyDeleteI was transmitted with HPV2 in beginning of October, but didn’t realize since mid April. I was traveling and didn’t pay much attention to the pain and sores I had, I thought it was just a yeast infection as I have had that thousands of times. The guy I slept with used condom, so I didn’t make the connection and didn’t I could still catch it. The outbreak lasted for about three weeks. In the beginning of December I got my second outbreak. Still I didn’t know what it was but took a lot of ayurvedic remedies for skin conditions. Again it lasted about three weeks. In the beginning of March I got my third outbreak and it has been going on on and off ever since – so for 2,5 months! When I returned back home in mid April I finally admitted to myself that it was something serious and found out it as probably herpes. I got a blood test and it tested positive – I didn’t have any active sores then to test for sure, but I’m sure now that it’s herpes. Why can it be that it has lasted for so long? I’m desperate now. I have been drinking a lot of coffee, sugar, fatty food, didn’t sleep too much and been going up and down in mood swings. Maybe that can be it? During this time I have been putting coconut oil on it, and some medical creme, begun to take zink, olive leaf extract, echinea, neem but none of it have worked, i met a friend she told me that their is one man who help her sister to cure her herpes virus, his name is dr dikogbo
ReplyDelete, she gave me his email address i contacted him he told me what to do i really did it, he sent me the herbal medicine my greatest surprise was that i only drank it for just 7 days my herpes virus disappeared from my body now i am free if you are out their passing through herpes outbreak i will advice you to contact dr dikogbo for total cure on his or call +2348103005451
I was transmitted with HPV2 in beginning of October, but didn’t realize since mid April. I was traveling and didn’t pay much attention to the pain and sores I had, I thought it was just a yeast infection as I have had that thousands of times. The guy I slept with used condom, so I didn’t make the connection and didn’t I could still catch it. The outbreak lasted for about three weeks. In the beginning of December I got my second outbreak. Still I didn’t know what it was but took a lot of ayurvedic remedies for skin conditions. Again it lasted about three weeks. In the beginning of March I got my third outbreak and it has been going on on and off ever since – so for 2,5 months! When I returned back home in mid April I finally admitted to myself that it was something serious and found out it as probably herpes. I got a blood test and it tested positive – I didn’t have any active sores then to test for sure, but I’m sure now that it’s herpes. Why can it be that it has lasted for so long? I’m desperate now. I have been drinking a lot of coffee, sugar, fatty food, didn’t sleep too much and been going up and down in mood swings. Maybe that can be it? During this time I have been putting coconut oil on it, and some medical creme, begun to take zink, olive leaf extract, echinea, neem but none of it have worked, i met a friend she told me that their is one man who help her sister to cure her herpes virus, his name is dr dikogbo
ReplyDelete, she gave me his email address i contacted him he told me what to do i really did it, he sent me the herbal medicine my greatest surprise was that i only drank it for just 7 days my herpes virus disappeared from my body now i am free if you are out their passing through herpes outbreak i will advice you to contact dr dikogbo for total cure on his or call +2348103005451
I was transmitted with HPV2 in beginning of October, but didn’t realize since mid April. I was traveling and didn’t pay much attention to the pain and sores I had, I thought it was just a yeast infection as I have had that thousands of times. The guy I slept with used condom, so I didn’t make the connection and didn’t I could still catch it. The outbreak lasted for about three weeks. In the beginning of December I got my second outbreak. Still I didn’t know what it was but took a lot of ayurvedic remedies for skin conditions. Again it lasted about three weeks. In the beginning of March I got my third outbreak and it has been going on on and off ever since – so for 2,5 months! When I returned back home in mid April I finally admitted to myself that it was something serious and found out it as probably herpes. I got a blood test and it tested positive – I didn’t have any active sores then to test for sure, but I’m sure now that it’s herpes. Why can it be that it has lasted for so long? I’m desperate now. I have been drinking a lot of coffee, sugar, fatty food, didn’t sleep too much and been going up and down in mood swings. Maybe that can be it? During this time I have been putting coconut oil on it, and some medical creme, begun to take zink, olive leaf extract, echinea, neem but none of it have worked, i met a friend she told me that their is one man who help her sister to cure her herpes virus, his name is dr dikogbo
ReplyDelete, she gave me his email address i contacted him he told me what to do i really did it, he sent me the herbal medicine my greatest surprise was that i only drank it for just 7 days my herpes virus disappeared from my body now i am free if you are out their passing through herpes outbreak i will advice you to contact dr dikogbo for total cure on his or call +2348103005451
I Am Anita from USA, i never believe that HIV AID cure is real on till i got in contact with Dr.Ogude my HIV stated 5 years ago, i was even waiting for death because all my money went out for drugs, which keep me till today, one day i saw on the interment that HIV cure is out through one herbal healer called Dr.Ogude,i copy his mail address,so in the day i then email Dr.Ogude, to express my conditions to him he only told me not to be worried that his going to turn my situation around and put smile on my face again and he prepared out the herb drug for me which i took, after taking it he told me to go for the hospital for test which i did, could you believe that i was confirm HIV negative after the test and i went to another hospital and it was also negative as the Dr.Ogude has really make me smile if you have this kind of problem and you want to be free from it please contact this doctor with this email address,he is reliable and dependable in any of the sickness which you are passing through....add him on whatsapp.+3248074609849
ReplyDeleteAppreciation is the key to doing more that is why I have took some time out to thank some one who cured me of my 4 years tinnitus problem. It became a major problem to me as it was affecting my marital life and I was no longer comfortable so I decided to look for a solution and I came across a post of Dr williams and how he has been helping people of the same problem with his herbal remedies I contacted him and told him all I have been facing in my life. He told me how to get his product and how to take it after every thing I find out that all was now okay with me and that my tinnitus problem was gone that is why I have come out today to say thank you to him and for any tinnitus problem either from man or woman. Contact him on his a man that take good care of his children
ReplyDeleteI was always praying to have a testimony when ever i saw people sharing their own testimonies which really took me years but today i am the happiest father on earth.
My son suffered tinnitus, for 20years after taken different kind of western medication without been cured.
All these years my son was like a death person but today he is been cured.and you do not know how i feel having my son back to life because it was not really easy for me having just two children and one been abnormal.
I took time to search internet which i found a lot of people thanking Dr. williams concerning the same problem and i discussed it with my wife and she said we should give a try so we order his product which my son took for some months and he is very much okay now.
I will advise you stop wasting time on all these western medicine because they only work for some
days and the problem bounce back again.
Contact Dr. at for advice and for his product and be the next to give testimony
I am Kate Hardy From USA
ReplyDeleteIt is no longer news that the Acquired immune deficiency syndrome Herpes Virus is increasing by the day. The fear is that many people living with the sickness are scared of saying it because of the stigma that comes along with it.I am bold enough among many others to state that there is now a potent cure to this sickness but many are unaware of it. I discovered that I was infected with the virus 3 months ago, after a medical check-up. My doctor told me and I was shocked, confused and felt like my world has crumbled. I was dying slowly due to the announcement of my medical practitioner but he assured me that I could leave a normal life if I took my medications (as there was no medically known cure to Herpes). I went from churches to churches but soon found that my case needed urgent attention as I was growing lean due to fear of dying anytime soon. In a bid to look for a lasting solution to my predicament, I sought for solutions from the voodoo world. I went online and searched for every powerful trado-medical practitioner that I could severe, cos I heard that the African Voodoo Priests had a cure to the Herpes syndrome. It was after a little time searching the web that I came across one Dr Itua(A powerful African Voodoo Priest), who offered to help me at a monetary fee. I had to comply as this was my final bus-stop to receiving a perfect healing. My last resolve was to take my life by myself, should this plan fail. At last it worked out well. He gave me some steps to follow and I meticulously carried out all his instructions.
Last month, to be precise, I went back to the hospital to conduct another test and to my amazement, the results showed that " I am NEGATIVE".
You can free yourself of this Herpes virus by consulting this great African Voodoo Priest via this e-mail: or call and whatsapp him on +2348063930531 He will help you and his herb medication is sure.
he has the cure on all this disease as he told me and it listed.
COMPLETE CURE TO TINNITUS: I had tinnitus in both ears for fifteen years with a high pitched two tone sound, the noises are constant and have learned to ignore the ringing. Later, another sound was added, a deep tone that has a sporadic rhythm, that mimics human speech. It varies from soft and muted, to painfully clear, and loud. Have try sound machines, ear plugs, my hearing aid, and medication all to no avail rather I have a difficult time sleeping. Lately I was directed to a Doctor called William on internet who provided solution to the problem. Do not be discourage, dr williams product is a permanent cure to Tinnitus. Contact him with this email (
ReplyDeleteThe Great Dr.lucky herbal medicine is a good or perfect cure remedy for HIV Virus, I was diagnose of HIV for almost 5 years, everyday i am always on research looking for a perfect way to get rid of this terrible disease as i always knew that what we need for our health is right here on earth though the scientist say there is know cure for this disease,on my search I saw some different testimony on how Dr. lucky has been able to cure HIV with is herbal medicine. I decided to contact this man, I contacted him and he guided me on how to purchase for the medicine. I asked him for solutions and he started the remedies for my health. Thank God, now everything is fine, I’m cured by Dr.lucky herbal medicine, I’m very grateful to Dr. lucky, reach him now on ( or check his website also available on +2349050606649.
ReplyDeleteThe Great Dr.lucky herbal medicine is a good or perfect cure remedy for HIV Virus, I was diagnose of HIV for almost 5 years, everyday i am always on research looking for a perfect way to get rid of this terrible disease as i always knew that what we need for our health is right here on earth though the scientist say there is know cure for this disease,on my search I saw some different testimony on how Dr. lucky has been able to cure HIV with is herbal medicine. I decided to contact this man, I contacted him and he guided me on how to purchase for the medicine. I asked him for solutions and he started the remedies for my health. Thank God, now everything is fine, I’m cured by Dr.lucky herbal medicine, I’m very grateful to Dr. lucky, reach him now on ( or check his website also available on +2349050606649.....
ReplyDeleteI am Success, i live in Maharashtra in India, i was diagnosed with hepatitis b for 6years ago i lived in pain with the knowledge that i wasn't going to ever be well again, i contacted so many doctors on this issue and all was in vial, because i was determined to get my life back so one day i saw a post about Dr Ekpiku who cure all manners of diseases, including hepatitis b, I contacted him via email: and made purchase of the hepatitis Vaccine, i received the Vaccine through DHL within 3 days, when i received the Vaccine i applied it as prescribed and i was totally cured of hepatitis b within few's days of usages, i went back to my doctor and he confirmed that i was negative.I was free curable cured from the disease, am so happy now, Viewers contact Dr Ekpiku via email:
Hello Everyone out there,I am here to give my testimony about a Herbalist called Dr IDUMEBO, who helped me in my life. I was infected with HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS 2 in 2010, i went to many hospitals for cure but there was no solution, so I was thinking how can I get a solution out so that my body can be okay. One day I was in the river side thinking where I can go to get solution. so a lady walked to me telling me why am I so sad and i open up all to her telling her my problem, she told me that she can help me out, she introduce me to a doctor who uses herbal medication to cure HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS 2 and gave me his email, so i mail him. He told me all the things I need to do and also give me instructions to take, which I followed properly. Before I knew what is happening after two weeks the HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS that was in my body got vanished . so if you are also heart broken and also need a help call him +2347036842735, you can also email him via; OR
He also have a herbal cure for HIV.
I was diagnosed with hepatitis B two years ago and I became so scared that I was crying every day, I was told that I'd had it since I was small and I can't explain how I got it, and the Doctor told me it was chronic hepatitis b, and there is no cure for it, I was so scared and i keep on visiting many hospitals and site for information on hepatitis cure because sometimes I get flu-like symptoms or a stomach disorder and I get scared and begin to wonder if the virus will ever get rid off on my life, i also sleep quite a lot, I do not drink alcohol or engage in sexual activities, i was so depressed, one night i came across MED LAB on Health FORUM, who cure all diseases including Hepatitis b, immediately i contact them, and i got the medicine from them, but today i am totally cured of this virus called Hepatitis B, any one diagnosed with this virus or others should contact MED LAB. via email:
ReplyDeleteI am here to give my testimony about a doctor who helped me in my life. I was infected with HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS in 2014, i went to many hospitals for cure but there was no solution, so I was thinking how can I get a solution out so that my body can be okay. One day I was in the river side thinking where I can go to get solution. so a lady walked to me telling me why am I so sad and i open up all to her telling her my problem, she told me that she can help me out, she introduce me to a doctor who uses herbal medication to cure HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS and gave me his email, so i mail him. He told me all the things I need to do and also give me instructions to take, which I followed properly. Before I knew what is happening after two weeks the HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS that was in my body got vanished . so if you are also heart broken and also need a help, you can also email him at ( ) or whatsapp +2347031991061
ReplyDeleteI want to appreciate the great work of Dr Oba, i have been diagnosed of herpes virus for some months, i have lose all hope that there is cure and i have been taken medicine to sustain myself not until i got to know about Dr Oba, i contacted him and he sent me a Herbal Medicine which i took as prescribed by him for some days and i went to the hospital after finishing the Herbal medicine. To my greatest surprise i was confirmed Herpes Negative after months of being positive, it is indeed a miracle.You can contact him for help. Email:( or visit his website on ( you can as well reach me on (
COMPLETE CURE TO TINNITUS: I had tinnitus in both ears for fifteen years with a high pitched two tone sound, the noises are constant and have learned to ignore the ringing. Later, another sound was added, a deep tone that has a sporadic rhythm, that mimics human speech. It varies from soft and muted, to painfully clear, and loud. Have try sound machines, ear plugs, my hearing aid, and medication all to no avail rather I have a difficult time sleeping. Lately I was directed to a Doctor called William on internet who provided solution to the problem. Do not be discourage, dr williams product is a permanent cure to Tinnitus. Contact him with this email (
ReplyDeleteI'm from USA am here to give my testimony about Dr idahosa who helped me cure my HERPES (HSV), i want to inform the public how i was cured from (HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS) by Dr idahosa, i visited different hospital but they gave me list of drugs like Famvir, Zovirax, and Valtrex which is very expensive to treat the symptoms and never cured me. Three months ago a friend suggested that I try herbal medicine; from a very powerful herbal doctor called Dr idahosa. I looked up his blog on the internet site and indeed he have had immense success with his product. There were lot of persons posting their testimony about how he cured them. when i contacted him he gave me hope and send a Herbal medicine to me that i took and it seriously worked for me, my HERPES result just came out negative. My doctor was shocked how i got cured. I am so happy as i am sharing this testimony. My advice to you all who thinks that their is no cure for herpes that is Not true just contact him and get cure from Dr Silver Herbal Center. He can cure of all kinds of STD you may have. Remember your health is precious email him with his email as;, he can also help with getting HIV/AIDS cured
ReplyDeleteGod bless Dr. uroko for his marvelous work in my life, I was diagnosed of HERPES since 2012 and I was taking my medications, I wasn't satisfied i needed to get the HERPES out of my system, I searched about some possible cure for HERPES i saw a comment about Dr. uroko, how he cured HERPES with his herbal medicine, I contacted him and he guided me. I asked for solutions, he started the remedy for my health, he sent me the medicine through UPS SPEED POST. I took the medicine as prescribed by him and 14 days later i was cured from HERPES, Dr.uroko truly you are great, do you need his help also? Why don't you contact him through : or call+2347059352550
ReplyDelete. Is my pleasure to comment on this site and i thank the admin of this site for his/her great work so far. I really don’t know how to thank DR WILLIAMS for helping me get cured for over 20 year of suffering from a terrible tinnitus, my tinnitus started when i was 28 year i thought is going to end one day but even get worse as days went by,i have tried all western drugs prescribed by doctors but to no avail i lost total concentration, even at night i screams even more because the sounds become louder because everywhere is quiet. i came across DR WILLIAMS contact through a headline news on internet about how DR WILLIAMS have help so many people to get cured of tinnitus and so many other with similar body problem ,i contacted him and he told me how to get his herb,few day later he sent me the herbal portion which i take every morning for 21 days, and his medicine was able to restore me back to normal and now am very okay without any side effects whatsoever If you have Tinnitus, you can contact him on his email address for help
I am sophie from Canada, I once suffered from a terrible and Chronic tinnitus ,in 2016, the doctor told me it has no permanent cure i was given medications to slow down its progress, i constantly felt my health was deteriorating as i constantly go out of breath,and this noise was really terrible especially when am sleeping, i have this constant ringing in my ears for about 8 months, this was really a terrible noise ,on thin one day that i was going through the internet,and i came across a post of Mrs Kate on how she was been cured from tinnitus through dr Williams herbal product, I contacted this herbal doctor via his email and explain everything to him and make purchase of his product,few days later he sent me the herbal medicine through courier service, when i received the herbal medicine i used it for 3 weeks as prescribed and i was totally cured of tinnitus within those week of usage,on thin now i have not hear anything ringing in my ears.if you need his help you can Contact this herbal doctor via his email for help
ReplyDeleteI have been in the tinnitus community for a while now and I have experience what you are going though with tinnitus , I do know people that have got
ReplyDeletetinnitus from having their implants done. Ringing in the ear after an implant can go away on its own, but that is BS of what the mouth and jaw specialist said. I have definitely seen and heard of a connection between tinnitus and teeth and mouth. There is a treatment for ringing ears and if you are
interested you can contact Dr William herbal remedies that what I take that stop the ringing in my ear that was really driving me crazy, don't Lose hope .,I have found a solution for my fellow citizens . If you haven't I would suggest trying Dr William herbal supplement. Again, this is a thing that takes time and usually requires time and patience for it to work WITH no side effects. But I'm not hear to sell you the product, I'm only hear to tell you that it works, but it is a journey and can be difficult. I hope at this point in want away on it own. Good luck . his email address for advice and for his product
I’m Laura from CANADA, I was diagnosed of HERPES in 2014, and my Liver was bad. I saw a post about Dr. Osakar Herbs that cures HIV, HEPATITIS B, DIABETES, CANCER, HERPES, and lots more…. I contacted him and told him about my health, he asked me not to worry anymore that he’s going to prepare the medicine and send it to me in my country. 3 days after sending the medicine I received the package and I took the medicine as prescribed by him and I was cured from HERPES. I took the medicine for 14 days, and the medicine had no Negative Influence, it only helped me get cured. Contact him via (
ReplyDeleteHow can I ever stop thanking Dr William for the great deed he have done for me, i got an accident when I was 27 years old, from that day on i started experience ringing ear (tinnitus) i have taken all the western drugs prescribe by various doctor but to no avail . my tinnitus was very loud in the afternoon and I sleep less at night because of this problem i stop my work, few days later i was going through the Internet and I saw a post of so many people testifying about Dr William herbal remedies on how they was being cure for over many years suffering from tinnitus the story Really motivated me that I have to speak with my husband about it, and he said i should give him a try, i contacted Dr William and explain all i have be facing in my life. He assured me that everything is going to be fine if only I can get his herbal portion, i said yes and I requested for it, few days later the herb was sent to me in Kuwait,i started using it as instructed by Dr William for me to take it for 21 Days which I did, can you imagine after talking Dr William herbal medicine for just two weeks i started experience results, it was like a miracle,and now i am permanently cure from this terrible tinnitus, i promise that am going to publish his herb on thing my last breath for the great deed he have done for me. For those with similar ear problem should please contact him on his email address drwilliams098765@gmail his a good man and am proud of him.
I am sophie from Canada, I once suffered from a terrible and Chronic tinnitus ,in 2016, the doctor told me it has no permanent cure i was given medications to slow down its progress, i constantly felt my health was deteriorating as i constantly go out of breath,and this noise was really terrible especially when am sleeping, i have this constant ringing in my ears for about 8 months, this was really a terrible noise ,on thin one day that i was going through the internet,and i came across a post of Mrs Kate on how she was been cured from tinnitus through dr Williams herbal product, I contacted this herbal doctor via his email and explain everything to him and make purchase of his product,few days later he sent me the herbal medicine through courier service, when i received the herbal medicine i used it for 3 weeks as prescribed and i was totally cured of tinnitus within those week of usage,on thin now i have not hear anything ringing in my ears.if you need his help you can Contact this herbal doctor via his email for help
ReplyDeleteAppreciation is the key to doing more that is why I have took some time out to thank some one who cured me of my 4 years tinnitus problem. It became a major problem to me as it was affecting my life and I was no longer comfortable so I decided to look for a solution and I came across a post of Dr williams and how he has been helping people of the same problem with his herbal remedies I contacted him and tell him all I have been facing in my life. He told me how to get his product and how to take it after every thing I find out that all was now okay with me and that my tinnitus problem was gone that is why I have come out today to say thank you to him and for any tinnitus problem either from man or woman. Contact him on his a man that take good care of his children
ReplyDeleteHow can I ever stop thanking Dr William for the great deed he have done for me, i got an accident when I was 27 years old, from that day on i started experience ringing ear (tinnitus) i have taken all the western drugs prescribe by various doctor but to no avail . my tinnitus was very loud in the afternoon and I sleep less at night because of this problem i stop my work, few days later i was going through the Internet and I saw a post of so many people testifying about Dr William herbal remedies on how they was being cure for over many years suffering from tinnitus the story Really motivated me that I have to speak with my husband about it, and he said i should give him a try, i contacted Dr William and explain all i have be facing in my life. He assured me that everything is going to be fine if only I can get his herbal portion, i said yes and I requested for it, few days later the herb was sent to me in Kuwait,i started using it as instructed by Dr William for me to take it for 21 Days which I did, can you imagine after talking Dr William herbal medicine for just two weeks i started experience results, it was like a miracle,and now i am permanently cure from this terrible tinnitus, i promise that am going to publish his herb on thing my last breath for the great deed he have done for me. For those with similar ear problem should please contact him on his email address drwilliams098765@gmail his a good man and am proud of him.
ReplyDelete. Is my pleasure to comment on this site and i thank the admin of this site for his/her great work so far. I really don’t know how to thank DR WILLIAMS for helping me get cured for over 20 year of suffering from a terrible tinnitus, my tinnitus started when i was 28 year i thought is going to end one day but even get worse as days went by,i have tried all western drugs prescribed by doctors but to no avail i lost total concentration, even at night i screams even more because the sounds become louder because everywhere is quiet. i came across DR WILLIAMS contact through a headline news on internet about how DR WILLIAMS have help so many people to get cured of tinnitus and so many other with similar body problem ,i contacted him and he told me how to get his herb,few day later he sent me the herbal portion which i take every morning for 21 days, and his medicine was able to restore me back to normal and now am very okay without any side effects whatsoever If you have Tinnitus, you can contact him on his email address for help
ReplyDeleteIn 2003 I was told I had gotten hepatitis B. I had some flu-like symptoms. I went to my doctor, who did blood work, and then informed me that I had the Hepatitis B Virus. I was given medications for it,but no cure. After using the herbal medicine i purchased from perfecthealthherbalmedicinehome i was totally cured of Hepatitis B Virus,my doctor confirmed that I don't have it anymore,december 2016 i purchased another herbal medicine cure for My mother, she was diagnosed of pulmonary fibrosis. she had cough. my mother noticed that she was slowing down. she was always active. she was a soloist in the choir and was having a hard time singing. she was hospitalized and they did a CAT scan and found the fibrosis,so i purchased pulmonary fibrosis herbal medicine,she was cured within 6 weeks of family doctor confirm my mother is pulmonary fibrosis free. Am so happy me and my mother are living normal life again,all thanks to perfecthealthherbalmedicinehome via website. (perfecthealthherbalmedicine @ gmail . com)
(www . perfecthealthherbal . weebly . com)
hello every one my name is Justin Leo i am from Japan, i have been suffering from tinnitus disease for the last Three years and had constant sound, especially in my right ear. During the first year, I had faith in God that i would be healed someday.The ringing sound started getting worse each and everyday that comes to pass, and i have been taking treatment from my doctor, few weeks ago i was searching on the internet if i could get any information concerning the prevention of this disease, on my search i saw a testimony of someone who has been healed from tinnitus by this Man Dr Williams and she also live the email address of this great man that he would be of help for so many others suffering from this, so i wrote to Dr. Williams telling him about my tinnitus he told me not to worry that everything is going to be fine!! i never believed it,, well after sending me the drugs and i follow all the procedures on how he instructed me to be taking the medicine, few weeks later i started experiencing changes all over me, after all i went to my doctor to confirmed if i have be finally healed behold it was true,right now am one of the happiest man on earth,if you have such sickness or any other at all you can email Dr. William on
ReplyDeleteI have been suffering from (LYME) disease for the past two years and had constant pain,During the first year,I had faith in God that i would be healed someday.This disease started circulating all over my body and i have been taking treatment from my doctor, few weeks ago i came on search on the internet if i could get any information concerning the prevention of this disease, on my search i saw a testimony of someone who has been healed from (LYME) by this Man Dr Aba and she also gave the email address: of this man and advise we should contact him for any sickness that he would be of help, so i wrote to Dr. Aba telling him about my (LYME) he told me not to worry that i was going to be cured!! hmm i never believed it,, well after all the procedures and remedy given to me by this man few weeks later i started experiencing changes all over me as the Dr assured me that i have cured,after some time i went to my doctor to confirmed if i have be finally healed behold it was TRUE, So friends my advise is if you have such sickness or any other at all you can email:: or whatsApp his number on +2348107155060
ReplyDeleteWow: who will ever believe that a natural herb can cure tinnitus, i never believe that this will work i have spend a lot when getting drugs from the hospital to keep me healthy,i went to many hospitals for cure but there was no solution, One day I was in the office going through the internet when i see so many people testifying about Dr Williams herbal medicine on how they where been cured from tinnitus and so many other similar body problem, so i mail him.He told me all the things I need to do and also give me instructions to take, which I followed properly. Before I knew what is happening after two weeks To my greatest surprise after patiently going according to instruction given to me by Dr Williams, all the ringing in my ears stop gradually and up thing this moment i have not experience anything ringing in my ears. I want to say a big thanks to Dr Williams who God have sent to heal his people with his natural medicine i pray that God will bless you for the good work you are doing.for all who are still suffering from this disease, you can also contact Dr Williams through his email address on;
ReplyDeleteI never taught Dr EDWIN who could ever get my HIV-AIDS cured with his herbal product.despite all these happening to me.I always spend a lot to buy a HIV drugs from hospital and taking some several medications but no relieve until one day i was just browsing on the internet when i came across a great post of ! Williams Fran-ca who truly said that she was been diagnose with HIV and was healed that very week through the help of these great powerful healing spell doctor. sometime i really wonder why people called him Dr EDWIN,i never knew it was all because of the great and perfect work that he has been doing that is causing all this. so i quickly contacted him and he ask me some few questions and he said a thing i will never forget that anyone who contacted him is always getting his or her healing in just 6 hours after doing all he ask you so i was amazed all the time i heard that from him ,so i did all things only to see that at the very day which he said i will be healed all the strength that has left me before rush back and i became very strong and healthy this disease almost kills my life all because of i rush to hospital for the final test. So the doctor said i am HIV negative i am very amazed and happy about the healing Dr EDWIN gave to me from the ancient part of Africa ,with a strong herbal concoction. if you are infected with any disease like HIV, AIDS, CANCER,HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS, or any other disease you can also be happy like me by contacting..... Name: Dr.EDWIN What apps Number: +2348023949859 Email: I“m given you 100% grantee, soon as you have getting in touch with Dr.EDWIN your problems will be solved accurately. Thanks..
ReplyDeleteI’m from USA am here to give my testimony about Dr Marko who helped me cure my HERPES (HSV), i want to inform the public how i was cured from (HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS) by Dr Marko, i visited different hospital but they gave me list of drugs like Famvir, Zovirax, and Valtrex which is very expensive to treat the symptoms and never cured me. Three months ago a friend suggested that I try herbal medicine; from a very powerful herbal doctor called Dr Marko. I looked up his blog on the internet site and indeed he have had immense success with his product. There were lot of persons posting their testimony about how he cured them. when i contacted him he gave me hope and send a Herbal medicine to me that i took and it seriously worked for me, my HERPES result just came out negative. My doctor was shocked how i got cured. I am so happy as i am sharing this testimony. My advice to you all who thinks that their is no cure for herpes that is Not true just contact him and get cure from Dr Marko Herbal Center. He can cure of all kinds of STD you may have. Remember your health is precious email him with his email as; ( or Whatsapp him on +2348075705225 he can also help with the following problems
I am Grace Clarck by names from USA, I was diagnosed of herpes in 2015 and I tried all possible means to get cure but all to no avail until i saw a post in a health forum about herbal doctor called DR. OKUNS who prepare Herbal Medicine to cure all kind of diseases including herpes virus, at first i doubted if it was real, but i decided to give it a try, when i contact this herbal doctor via his email i bought the herpes herbal medicine from him and received it through DHL within 3 days and used it as prescribed, i tested negative within 2 weeks of usage. you can contact him via E-mail: for any types of diseases solutions or WhatsApp/call him on: +2348078467513
I am Shelley from Los Angeles,California, I want to testify on how i got cured from tinnitus, I have suffered from ringing ears since the year 2011 with so mush pain,that i have to spend so mush money getting pain relief in the hospital, and I have visited several doctor ,but all to no avail, my world was gradually coming to an end because of the buzzing sound in my right ears, until i saw a post in a health forum about a herbal Dr Williams who use herbal portion in curing people from different kind of diseases including tinnitus, at first i doubted if it we be able to cure me, but i decided to give it a try, when i contacted this herbal doctor via his email, he prepared a herbal portion and sent it to me via courier service, when i received this herbal medicine, he gave me step by step instructions on how to apply it, when i applied it as instructed, i was completely free from tinnitus just for 1 months of usage,i we recommend this to all my friend family in the world today who still suffering from tinnitus you can contact him through his email on for help.
ReplyDeleteHello everybody,
ReplyDeleteI don't just know the reason why some people is finding it difficult to believe that there is a cure for herpes, I have been suffering from herpes since last three years with my boyfriend but today I am happy that am cure from it with the herbal medicine of Dr Aba the great healer,I was browsing the internet searching for help when I came across a testimony shared by someone on how Dr Aba cure his herpes I was so much in need of getting his treatment but after all Dr Aba brought a smile to my face with his herbal medicine. I am so much happy today that we have someone like this great healer out there, so my people out there kindly contact this great healer on his email address: please sir keep your good work cause there are people out there who is in need of your healing medicine.once more contact him now: you can call him or whatsApp his number +2348107155060
During the past years i was diagnosed with ALS disease which has broke me down even affected me financially because i almost spent all my savings,i really thought i wont get rid of it not until i saw post celebrating how his mom was free from als disease ,i was really surprised because i have search all angle yet nothing happened,this disease weak me to the extent i was having difficulty speaking,difficulty raising my foot so i decided to contact the email i saw which was totalcureherbalfoundation @ gmail . com and they gave me all the instruction tho i actually purchased the herbal medicine from the clinic,i used it just the way i was told and right now am fully free from ALS disease just as my Dr said and i no longer experiencing the symptoms anymore. https:/ /totalcure herbalf ou.wixsite .com/website you shall testify peronally to everyone because the herbs are %100.
ReplyDeleteAppreciation is the key to doing more that is why I have took some time out to thank some one who cured me of my 4 years tinnitus problem. It became a major problem to me as it was affecting my life and I was no longer comfortable so I decided to look for a solution and I came across a post of Dr williams and how he has been helping people of the same problem with his herbal remedies I contacted him and tell him all I have been facing in my life. He told me how to get his product and how to take it after every thing I find out that all was now okay with me and that my tinnitus problem was gone that is why I have come out today to say thank you to him and for any tinnitus problem either from man or woman. Contact him on his a man that take good care of his children
Hello everybody,
ReplyDeleteI don't just know the reason why some people is finding it difficult to believe that there is a cure for herpes, I have been suffering from herpes since last three years with my boyfriend but today I am happy that am cure from it with the herbal medicine of Dr Aba the great healer,I was browsing the internet searching for help when I came across a testimony shared by someone on how Dr Aba cure his herpes I was so much in need of getting his treatment but after all Dr Aba brought a smile to my face with his herbal medicine. I am so much happy today that we have someone like this great healer out there, so my people out there kindly contact this great healer on his email address: please sir keep your good work cause there are people out there who is in need of your healing medicine.once more contact him now: you can call him or whatsApp his number +2348107155060
Powerful Herbal treatment is 100% guarantee for HSV cure, the reason why most people are finding it difficult to cure HSV 1 or 2 is because they believe on medical report, drugs and medical treatments which is not helpful to cure HSV and hasn't proved any sign of helping. Natural roots/herbs are the best remedy which can easily eradicate herpes forever. I never believed it until I was helped and cured of my 16 months genital herpes with natural herbal medicines from Dr Osojo. Where other medical prescribed drugs and treatments failed, Dr Osojo’s natural herbs helped saved me from Genital herpes permanently and I’m so grateful for this. You can also get help from this great and powerful African Herbalist Dr Osojo by reaching him on email: and call/whatsapp: +2348100663964
ReplyDeleteI never thought i would be HIV negative again after been diagnosed in 2015, i have tried everything possible in life from one doctor to another, one hospital to another, series of tests, different kinds of medication, i had already lost hope until i meet Great Dr. OSAGIE online testimonies, a specialist in herbal medication from Africa, i contacted him ( OR
ReplyDeleteDROSAGIESOULTIONTEMPLE@YAHOO.COM) and he prepared HIV herbal medication for me which i took for 7days and now i am completely cured. i want to use this medium to express my gratitude to him for saving my life and curing me from HIV, for taking away all my pains and sorrows, I''m indeed grateful and i am so happy I''m now HIV negative. i will continue to tell the good news of your great works to everyone, if you have HIV or other disease contact him, Email: his email: ( OR
DROSAGIESOULTIONTEMPLE@YAHOO.COM ) or His Whatsapp number: +2347030465649...thank you my great DR
THIS IS REAL,PLEASE DON'T IGNORE.Call/Text me via; +1(203)806-4318 OR CALL DR SAMBOLA NOW VIA;+2348100527864
Hello everyone am here to share my testimony.I was suffering from BREAST CANCER for the past 3 years and my Dr told me that there is nothing he could do,after the 5 times chemotherapy and radiation and i was not responding to treatment and not even getting better and I had no money for Surgery cause it was too expensive for me.I was frustrated and confused,seeking advice from people until a friend told me about Dr. Sambola Herbal Medicine and herbal cannabis oil and its fast curing ability of any kind of cancer and told me that her mother's LUNGS CANCER was cured by the same Doctor Sambola.I was desperate to to have the HERBS and i contacted Dr.SAMBOLA via email to get the miraculous oil.The Dr send me the Herbal Medicine and Cannabis oil through FedEx,to cut the long story short,I got Completely Cured after taking the Herbs for over a Month.To cut the long story short,as i am writing this testimony on this Blog am so strong and healthy no more cancer in my body again.I did my test and the Doctor confirmed it,i do not have BREAST CANCER anymore which he(medical Dr)was Shock when he confirmed it.I really want to Appreciate Dr Sambola the AFRICA TRADITIONAL HERBALIST who got me cured with the help of his herbal medicine and to God Be All The Glory.
He also have a herbal cure for the Following DISEASES and INFECTIONS below,this is not scam is 100% Real.
-DIARRHEA and so on...
Click on Dr Sambola Website
Call/WhatsApp Dr Sambola Now;+2348100527864
I’m indeed very happy for the great help that Dr. Ebose rendered to me, I am here to give my testimony about a doctor who helped me in my life. I and my husband was infected with HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS last 4 years ago, we went to many hospitals for cure but there was no solution, on till one faithful day , we saw a blog whereby Dr. Ebose cured a woman who also had herpes affection,we (Me and My husband) decided to contact him which we did, he asked us to buy some items, unfailingly we sent him the money he will need in buying the items required , He sent me some herbs. He asked me to go for check-up after 7 days, Luckily for us, we were tested herpes negative, now I believe all these Testimonies about him on the internet, he is truly a great man, if you are going through the same problem and you need help you can contact the great Herbalist via email or whatsapp +2348160157518
ReplyDeleteMy Names are Mrs Faith Daniels,,My testimony goes like this I have been been married for six years without a child, I have visited several hospitals and I was told i can't not conceive because i was having fibroid,,I have been treated and even undergoes cloistral operation but still couldn't conceive until One day i came across Dr sambo via his email and i contacted him and told him about my predicament and he said to me that it is finish... I key to his word and i followed him up he prepared me some herbs and send it to my state..I started using the herbs following his prescriptions,,as i was taking the herbs i started noticing some changes in my body,,to cut everything short i missed my period and today i have a set of twins..I can't just keep it to my self i decided to post it here online for everyone to see the work God has done in my life true his son Dr sambo.. God bless Dr sambo and more grace to his work..
ReplyDeleteDr. Sambo E-MAIL: or
Dr. Sambo Whats,App.+2348145810121
Indeed, he is a great and a lovely man, God bless him for uniting my family.
It’s obvious some patient with HIV/CANCER are been enslaved to the antiviral and other supplementary Orthodox medicine just to help suppress the virus and not a cure. I have been with the virus since 2012 until I was introduce by a blogger who also narrated Her story online on how she was cured of Hepatitis b after using Dr Ebose Herbal Medicine. This is a year and 2 weeks since I was delivered from Hepatitis b. All thanks to God for using this Great herbalist to heal me. I have promise to keep telling good about this. Please fill free to share Your problems with him and don’t forget to tell him I did refer you to Him. Thanks. Write him on mail or whatsapp him on +2348160157518
ReplyDeleteyou can also view his facebook page
THIS IS REAL,PLEASE DON'T IGNORE.Call/Text me via; +1(203)806-4318 OR CALL/WHATSAPP DR SAMBOLA NOW VIA;+2348100527864
Hello everyone am here to share my testimony.I was suffering from BREAST CANCER for the past 3 years and my Dr told me that there is nothing he could do,after the 5 times chemotherapy and radiation and i was not responding to treatment and not even getting better and I had no money for Surgery cause it was too expensive for me.I was frustrated and confused,seeking advice from people until a friend told me about Dr. Sambola Herbal Medicine and herbal cannabis oil and its fast curing ability of any kind of cancer and told me that her mother's LUNGS CANCER was cured by the same Doctor Sambola.I was desperate to to have the HERBS and i contacted Dr.SAMBOLA via email to get the miraculous oil.The Dr send me the Herbal Medicine and Cannabis oil through FedEx,to cut the long story short,I got Completely Cured after taking the Herbs for over a Month.To cut the long story short,as i am writing this testimony on this Blog am so strong and healthy no more cancer in my body again.I did my test and the Doctor confirmed it,i do not have BREAST CANCER anymore which he(medical Dr)was Shock when he confirmed it.I really want to Appreciate Dr Sambola the AFRICA TRADITIONAL HERBALIST who got me cured with the help of his herbal medicine and to God Be All The Glory.
He also have a herbal cure for the Following DISEASES and INFECTIONS below,this is not scam is 100% Real.
-DIARRHEA and so on...
Click on Dr Sambola Website
Call/WhatsApp Dr Sambola Now;+2348100527864
ReplyDeletehello everyone in this forum i am a bit ashamed to share this story about a great DOCTOR called DR HARRY who helped me enlarge my small penis size through his herbal mixture cream,i was heartbroken before because i have a very small penis about 3.5 inches which was so annoying and shameful i could not satisfy my wife in bed ,,my marriage was really breaking and i needed help urgently,i have used pills,vaccines,drugs,surgery but none one faithful day as i was browsing through the internet i saw few comments on a forum about DR HARRY and how He helped Mr MARK from UK to enlarge his penis and also cured his MOM diabetes type 2 disease,,i contacted him through his email he replied and gave me steps to follow and i did just as he said ,and he sent me the herbal cream to me through UPS and i received it within 4 days and i used the herbal cream for just 14 days to my greatest surprise my penis that was 3.5 inches before enlarge to 10 inches long when fully erected ,for just two weeks of using his herbal mixture cream ,,wow my wife loved me more and was so happy that i can satisfy her very well now in bed ,,i even last longer than 2hours in bed. thank you so much DR HARRY for making life a better one to live in if you are out there having similar problems please contact him now on his email
website or whatsapp and call him on +2349036417079 thanks
ReplyDeleteThis is real take it serious, who will believe that a herb can cure , i never believe that this will work, i have spend a lot getting drugs from the hospital to keep me healthy, it got to a time that i was waiting for death to come because i was broke, one day i hard about this great man called Dr Farouk herbalist who is well know for Herpes, HIV, and Cancer cure, i decided to email him I didn't believe him that much, I just wanted to give him a try, he replied my mail and Needed some Information about me, then I sent them to him, he prepared a herbal medicine (CURE) and sent it through Online corier Service for delivery, he gave my details to the corier Office. they told me that 3-5 days I will receive the package and after receive it, i took the medicine as prescribed by him at the end of the one week, he told me to go to the hospital for a check up, and i went, surprisingly after the test the doctor confirm me Herpes simplex virus negative, i thought it was a joke, i went to other hospital and was also negative, thank you for saving my life, I promise I will always testify of your good works. if you are herpes simplex virus patient, OR you are be helping by someone before i will like to advice you to give this man a try and see what will happen to your life don't worry about the money you have be use contact him and I am sure you will get cured, contact him Email: 0R call his number on +27717974385 AND whatsapp him on same number.
(1) HIV / AIDS
(6) HPV
(9) ALS
(18) ASTHMA.
I cant stop talking about this man called Dr SEBI Because he is the only doctor that can care HIV and all kind of disease.....hes a God sent to cure humans from different DISEASES with herbal medications, he cured me of GENITAL HERPE!S, he will also help you. Contact him today and you will have a testimony Good luck
love psychic reading powerful in Sydney Melbourne perth Brisbana Australia love psychic +27717974385 dr.farouk herbalist ( Famous Astrologer in Australia) gives numerous astrology administrations like , Love Horoscope, Kundli Making Service, Horoscope-Matchmaking, Vashikaran, Vaastu for Home, Numerology, Palmistry. Many individuals from various nations (USA, UK, INDIA, CANADA) are devotee of his Astrology discussion administrations. He has constantly made right expectations on the premise of blend of Astrology and Horoscope. He is a specialist on problems like Business, Career, Marriage, Politics, Matchmaking, Progeny, Education, Sickness, Dosha-Nivaran, negative energy Removal and so on.
ReplyDeleteHello everybody, thanks to Dr Azen the spell caster I am from Ghana i don't just Know the reason why some people is finding it difficult to believe that there is a cure for HIV, my son have been suffering from HIV since last three years but today i am happy that he is cure from it with the herbal medicine of Dr azen the great healer,i was browsing the INTERNET searching for help when i came across a testimony shared by someone on how Dr Azen cure his herpes i was so much in need of getting his treatment but after all Dr Azen brought a smile to my son face with his herbal medicine. i am so much happy today that we have someone like this great healer out there, so my people out there kindly contact this great healer on his email address: (azentemple gmail com) please sir keep your good work cause there are people out there who is in need of your healing medicine.once more email him now: ( you can call him or whats-App his number +2349038299828
ReplyDeleteHello everybody, thanks to Dr Azen the spell caster I am from Ghana i don't just Know the reason why some people is finding it difficult to believe that there is a cure for HIV, my son have been suffering from HIV since last three years but today i am happy that he is cure from it with the herbal medicine of Dr azen the great healer,i was browsing the INTERNET searching for help when i came across a testimony shared by someone on how Dr Azen cure his herpes i was so much in need of getting his treatment but after all Dr Azen brought a smile to my son face with his herbal medicine. i am so much happy today that we have someone like this great healer out there, so my people out there kindly contact this great healer on his email address: (azentemple gmail com) please sir keep your good work cause there are people out there who is in need of your healing medicine.once more email him now: ( you can call him or whats-App his number +2349038299828
ReplyDeleteThe doctors said Herpes virus do not have medical cure because the virus is capable of hiding within the human cells, it remains protected from your immune system. Herpes isn’t a special virus – your immune system has the tools to fight it back. But because it is able to lay dormant in protected cells, your immune system is unable to remove it from your body,But with strong reactive herbal medication is capable of getting rid of the virus gradually and totally from your body without damaging any of your cells,natural herbs kills the virus totally not just reducing the out break. Get natural herbs cure from Dr. Paul or reach him through his email: or whatsapp no: +2349051441669 or directly on
ReplyDeleteHi Everyone
ReplyDeleteAm Lourens Harverd by name, from texas USA never lose hope because there is always a helper, it can delay but God is always with you i want to use the means to thank great DR.MANBELA for his hand work i was very sick for 3year i have search all over for genital herpes cure but no way until i meet the is DR.The man that always keep his words and promise, i saw post about this man on net, i was like asking my self if this will work, looking at this i give this great man a try, he told me not to worry he assured me that i will be cured only if i do according to his term and condition that i will be cured i reply telling him i will, this man ask me for many details i was so scared to give it out i decide to confirm what is the details is needed for he explain to me is the details that he will use for casting the curing spell and also have the herbal cure which i will take for 2 weeks so should choose from the both the curing spell and the herbal cure so i choose the curing spell after he was done in 3 days that i will get cured and heal totally i was so surprise and i do according to he requested and again this man inform me that there will be something needed for the cure i provide the necessary things needed and DR.MANBELA do according to his command and i give him time to cure me after everything was done, i was now seen my self getting cure a bit by bit finally i was cure 3day after i have an appointment to go for test which i did guest what i was cured am so happy to see me i am free from this sickness a great thank to DR.MANBELA the man that help me from pain i love you Dr i will want to tell the public about him that was my promise to him before he cured me you can reach him through this email ( or through his whatsapp number +2348057502337.
Hi Everyone
ReplyDeleteAm Lourens Harverd by name, from texas USA never lose hope because there is always a helper, it can delay but God is always with you i want to use the means to thank great DR.MANBELA for his hand work i was very sick for 3year i have search all over for genital herpes cure but no way until i meet the is DR.The man that always keep his words and promise, i saw post about this man on net, i was like asking my self if this will work, looking at this i give this great man a try, he told me not to worry he assured me that i will be cured only if i do according to his term and condition that i will be cured i reply telling him i will, this man ask me for many details i was so scared to give it out i decide to confirm what is the details is needed for he explain to me is the details that he will use for casting the curing spell and also have the herbal cure which i will take for 2 weeks so should choose from the both the curing spell and the herbal cure so i choose the curing spell after he was done in 3 days that i will get cured and heal totally i was so surprise and i do according to he requested and again this man inform me that there will be something needed for the cure i provide the necessary things needed and DR.MANBELA do according to his command and i give him time to cure me after everything was done, i was now seen my self getting cure a bit by bit finally i was cure 3day after i have an appointment to go for test which i did guest what i was cured am so happy to see me i am free from this sickness a great thank to DR.MANBELA the man that help me from pain i love you Dr i will want to tell the public about him that was my promise to him before he cured me you can reach him through this email ( or through his whatsapp number +2348057502337.
Unfortunately there are a lot of AIDS/Herpes denials on Herbal cures still out there. I did research on them after I was tested HIV/Herpes positive I was so worried am I going to die soon. I continue my search again on herbal remedy for Std, then I found lots of testimony on how Dr Itua Herbal Medicine Cured HIV/Aids, Herpes Virus,Copd, Hepatitis, Diabetes, On websites sharing their testimonies, which made much more sense to me. All the authors pronounce Dr Itua As a man with Good Heart, I pick interest in their testimonies and I contact him about my situation then he gave me procedure how it works, I proceed after one week he courier his Herbal Medicine to me and instruct me on how to drink it for two weeks to cure. I receive His Herbal Medicine so I drank it for two weeks as I was told then after 2 days I go for a test I found out I was cured from HIV/Aids & Herpes Virus, I pay homage to him 2 months ago to his country to celebrate with him on his African festival which he told me it usually happens every year. I know there are lots of (HIV)/Aids&Herpes Virus denials of Herbal Remedy movement the same few doctors and they represent a very small faction of the community. I could have died because I refused Natural Herbs Cures for so long, but luckily, by the grace of God I am alive to tell my story. Contact Info...Whatsapp Number...+2348149277967, Instagram Username...avat5634 Just in case you need someone to talk with. He cure tthe following diseases below...1. Herpes 2. cancer 3. HIV / AIDS 4. hepatitis 5. Bring my ex back 6. Leprosy 7. SARS 8. Bubonic plague
ReplyDelete9. Cerebrovascular disease 10. Lower respiratory infections 11. Syphilis 12. Influenza A-H1N1 (swine flu) 13.Ischemic heart disease 14. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 15. Whooping cough 16. Perinatal complications 17. diarrhea 18 .. lung cancer.
I was diagnosed of Herpes 2years ago and I have tried all possible means to get the cure but all to no avail, until i saw a post in a health forum about a Herbal Doctor(Dr Akhigbe) who prepares herbal medicine to cure all kind of diseases including Herpes, at first i doubted, if it was real but decided to give him a trial, when i contacted Dr Akhigbe through his Email: he guided me and prepared a herbal medicine and sent it to me via courier Delivery service,when i received the package (herbal medicine) He gave me instructions on how to consume it,i started using it as instructed and i stoped getting outbreaks and the sores started vanishing, could you believe i was cured of this deadly virus within two to three weeks and notices changes in my body.
ReplyDeleteDays of using this REMEDY,couldn't believe the healing at first until i see it as my HERPES get cleared like magic Dr Akhigbe also use his herbal medicine to cure diseases like, HIV, HERPES, CANCER, ALS, DIABETES HAPETITIES A AND B.Contact this great herbal Doctor today the father of herbalism. via Email: or whatapp him +2348142454860 and get cured permanently He is real.
Ever since my husband got me divorced for the past 2 years, i v'e not been my self. I was reviewing some post of how i could get back my husband then, i saw a testimony shared by Marina Choas from SWEDEN about a spell caster named Dr. tunde. I contacted Marina Chaos to confirm about how Dr. tunde helped her and she clarified everything to me of how he helped her and that gave me the courage to get in touch with Dr. tunde for help. Dr. tunde assured me that my days of sorrows will be over within 48hours after he has finished with his work. I followed his instructions he gave to me because i had the believe, faith, hope and trust in him. Verily i say to you today that i and my husband are back together and i can proudly say and testify to the world of what Dr. tunde did for me. Contact him today via E-mail:( OR call him or whatsapp him +2348143581382 if you seek his help. Also specialize in treating all kinds of illness, HERPES VIRUS, HEPATITIS B, CANCER, BRAIN DISEASE, INFERTILITY, DIABETES AND MORE
ReplyDeleteHello I'm From Memphis Tennessee, USA I feel so joyful today because of the help Dr Sunny has rendered to me for helping me to get my Husband back with his spell. I have been married for 4 years and it has been so terrible because my husband was cheating on me and was seeking for a divorce. But when i came across Dr Sunny Email, on the internet posted by a lady, i decided to get in touch with him and i explained my situation to him and then seek his help but to my greatest surprise he told me that he will help me with my case for there is no problem without a solution. Here i am celebrating because my Husband is back home and am really enjoying my marriage, what a great celebration. i will keep on testifying on the internet because Dr Sunny is truly a real spell caster. Why not contact Dr Sunny now if you are facing any challenges in your relationship life. Email Also specialize i1) love Spell
ReplyDelete2) Spells divorce
3) Spells of marriage4) Penis enlargement 5) Pregnancy problems6) Healing spell
contact this great man if you have a problem for a lasting solution Through Email:
I have been suffering from HIV for the past 5 years and 8 months, and ever since then i have been taking series of treatment but there was no improvement until i came across testimonies of Dr Osagie on how he has been curing different people from different diseases all over the world, then i contacted him as well. After our conversation he sent me the medicine which i took according to his instructions. When i was done taking the herbal medicine i went for a medical checkup and to my greatest surprise i was cured from HIV. My heart is so filled with joy. If you are suffering from HIV ,Herpes or any other disease you can contact
ReplyDeletehis email: ( OR
DROSAGIESOULTIONTEMPLE@YAHOO.COM ) or HIS Whatsapp number: +2347030465649
Dr.Osagie also cures:
2. HERPES 1/2
4. ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease)
5. Hepatitis B..,.,,.
ReplyDeleteI thought my life had nothing to offer anymore because life
became meaningless to me because I had Herpes virus, the
symptoms became very severe and bold and made my family
run from and abandoned me so they won't get infected. I gave
up everything, my hope, dreams,vision and job because the
doctor told me there's no cure. I consumed so many drugs but
they never cured me but hid the symptoms inside me making
it worse. I was doing some research online someday when I
came across testimonies of some people of how DR Ebhota
cured them from Herpes, I never believed at first and thought
it was a joke but later decided to contact him on the details
provided and when I messaged him we talked and he sent me
his herbal medicine and told me to go for a test after two
weeks. Within 7 days of medication the symptoms
disappeared and when I went for a test Lo and behold I was
NEGATIVE by the Doctor Who tested me earlier. Thank you DR
Ebhota because I forever owe you my life and I'll keep on
telling the world about you. If you are going through same
situation worry no more and contact DR Ebhota via
drebhotasolution@gmail. com or WhatsApp him via +2348089535482.
he also special on cureing 1. HIV/AIDS2. HERPES 3. CANCER 4.
ALZHEIMER 9. LUPUS (Lupus Vulgaris or LupusErythematosus
I am from New York. I was in trouble when doctor told me that I have been
ReplyDeletediagnosed tinnitus ringing ears with … I though about my Family, I know my Family will
face a serious problem when I’m gone, I lost hope and I wept all day, but one
day I was surfing the Internet I found Dr. Emmanuel contact number. I called him
and he guided me. I asked him for solutions and he started the remedies for my
health. Thank God, now everything is fine, I’m cured by Dr. Emmanuel herbal
medicine, I’m very thankful to Dr. Emmanuel and very happy with my hubby and
family. email him on OR contact his whatsapp number:
4. ALS
I Never believed i was ever going to be HSV FREE again, DR.Ehiaguna has given me reasons to be happy, i was HSV positive for 2 years and all the means and medicine i tried for treatment was not helpful to me, but when i came on the Internet i saw great testimony about DR.Ehiaguna on how he was able to cure someone from HSV 2, this person said great things about this man, and advice we contact him for any Disease problem that DR.Ehiaguna can be of help, well i decided to give him a try, he requested for my information which i sent to him, and he told me he was going to prepare for me a healing portion, which he wanted me to take for days, and after which i should go back to the hospital for check up, well after taking all the treatment sent to me by DR.Ehiahuna , i went back to the Hospital for check up, and now i have been confirmed HSV NEGATIVE, friends you can reach DR.Ehiaguna on any treatment of any Disease cos i saw many testimony of different disease like, HEPATITIS,HIV AIDS,EPILEPSY, CANCER,CFS he is the one only one i can show you all up to, reach him on or whatsApp him now +2348073908953. quick contact him for help and you can just quickly drop your number on your first mail as i did for easily conversation